The Thomas J. Murray, SJ Papers contain material related to his position as headmaster of Ateneo de Zamboanga in the Philippines (1928-1935) and milestones in his spiritual life such as his ordination, final vows, and silver and golden jubilees. Also included is a folder of genealogical research on his mother's family, the Welshes/Welches.
Correspondence and source materials relating to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Includes material (primarily printed articles and some memoranda) on abortion rights, Georgetown University student group GU Choice, and Catholic identity.
The collection consists of music manuscripts of compositions by Eugene W. Hancock. It also includes biographies of Hancock and other Black composers, a letter from Robert J. Batastini (G.I.A. Publications), "Spiritual Lullaby" by William B. Cooper, "Funf Stucke fur Orchester" by Anton Webern, and the 1990-1991 choral music schedule for West End Presbyterian Church.
Thirty-three letters dated 1855 to 1865 from St. John Henry Cardinal Newman to Dr. Thomas Hayden, mostly regarding the affairs of the Catholic University of Ireland.
A folder-level inventory to the collection is available in the External Documents section of this finding aid.
The collection consists of 3 letters by or about Thomas Antisell all addressed to Presidents of Georgetown University. The collection also includes some notes, manuscripts and tracings by Antisell mainly concerning geology in California and copies of addresses given by Antisell at the graduation of the Medical Department of Georgetown University.
Summaries or copies of outgoing correspondence. Most relates to student accounts. Letters are signed by Francis Vespre, S.J., Thomas M. Jenkins, S.J., and Patrick Duddy, S.J.
A collection of 10 autograph letters, dating between 1822 and 1848, addressed to the longtime American consul in London, Col. Thomas Aspinwall. They are from several prominent Americans and Englishmen seeking Aspinwall's assistance in a variety of matters.
Two volumes. 1) Philistorian Society constitution and proceedings, 1868-1875, (pages 1-166) and Toner Scientific Circle constitution and proceedings, 1877-1880 (pages 175-223). 2) Toner Scientific Circle constitution and proceedings, 1880-1881. Includes Francis Barnum, S.J.'s "Stray Notes" and biographical sketch of Joseph M. Toner by Thomas Antisell.
Contains clippings relating to Woodstock College, Maryland. Included are articles on faculty, students, and events. Mention is made of: the Golden Jubilees of John P. Himmelreicher, S.J., and Daniel J. M. Callahan, S.J.; the deaths of Charles J. Denecke, S.J., Thomas A. Becker, S.J. and Francis X. Daly, S.J.; and the ordination of Avery R. Dulles, S.J.
The Edward Rice Collection includes correspondence regarding Jubilee Magazine, issues of Jubilee Magazine, information of Rice's friend, Thomas Merton, photographs, and artwork.