Documentary video exploring the lives of the first two women admitted into the Georgetown School of Medicine, Dr. Annie E. Rice and Dr. Jeannette J. Sumner. Created by Jane Varner Malhotra in conjunction with Carlos Rosario and the Georgetown University Gender+ Justice Initiative.
Correspondence received by JPJM mainly in response to requests by JPJM for autographs and photographs of notable artists, writers and composers of the 1930's, 40's and 50's.
Manuscripts, correspondence, ephemera and realia relating to Charles Dickens collected by Arnold U. Ziegler. Includes records and publications of various branches of the Dickens Fellowship (c1921-1960s).
Series VII. American History
Please note that correspondents often mention acquaintances or other individuals but will not provide their complete names. When known, the full name is given in parentheses. Also, in the case of the Clarke family, one A.K. Clark signs her name without the 'e' although it is likely that she is a member of the Clarke family. She also cites (her husband?) inconsistently as 'Mr. Clark' or 'Mr. Clarke.' Descriptions for each letter will use the spelling that the correspondent has used.
Correspondnece of others. Arranged alphabetically by individual who wrote the letter.
Correspondence with individuals. Arranged alphabetically.
Certificates of U.S. Department of State consular appointments signed by various U.S. secretaries of state, as well as presidents of U.S. and other countries. Post and date of appointment noted. Arranged by document signatory.
Please note that correspondents often mention acquaintances or other individuals but will not provide their complete names. When known, the full name is given in parentheses. Also, in the case of the Clarke family, one A.K. Clark signs her name without the 'e' although it is likely that she is a member of the Clarke family. She also cites (her husband?) inconsistently as 'Mr. Clark' or 'Mr. Clarke.' Descriptions for each letter will use the spelling that the correspondent has used.
Miscellaneous autograph, signed manuscripts by various individuals collected by John S. Mayfield.