1 Autographed Letter Signed (in French) dated August 28, 1949 from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to Adrienne Croissant. Teilhard de Chardin mentions that after having finished his essay on the "phenomene humain". He says he will be taking a short retirement afterward in order to return to the "The Presence of God." Sent from Paris.
Box 16. Alphabetical photographic files Bloomgarten — Boles, Glen, 64 folders.
Theodore Maynard to Robert F. McNamara.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.
Only one series.
Printed materials collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged alphabetically by author.
Academic offprints collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged alphabetically by author.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Series includes correspondence of John Deedy with editors and publishers regarding books and articles he wrote. Also includes letters of reaction from readers, royalty statements, and promotional items.
(Box 1, Folders 1-33) This is a series of 'Time' magazine covers collected by Mr. Dahlhaus and specially mounted for exhibition. Most are signed by the subjects. All include captions by Mr. Dahlhaus, on the back of the matting. The captions were also typed onto index cards (see Box 2, Folder 34).
Materials related to Warnke's three positions of service in the United States federal government: General Counsel, Department of Defense; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
This series includes printed copies and offprints of DAL's articles.