This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
Two carte de visite photographs of Fr. Welch, likely taken while stationed in Boston between 1863 and 1886.
Portrait photographs (including cartes de visite) and an engraving of Patrick Healy. Undated but from the period of Healy's presidency at Georgetown (circa 1870s-1880s).
A bound volume containing a partial English translation of Emmanuel Alvarez’ book De institutione grammatica libri tres (1572), copied down by Barber while at St. John’s in Frederick (Maryland).
This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.
This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.
This series contains correspondence and other material relating to and originating from the LaFarge family.
This series contains correspondence with or about individuals with whom JLF associated. The series is arranged alphabetically by name.
School notebook titled "de sacramentis" (on the sacraments) written by Fr. Wiget between 1848 and 1849. Created while at Georgetown.
School notebook titled "de romani pontificis" (on the Roman pontiff) written by Fr. Wiget between 1848 and 1849. Created while at Georgetown.
School notebook titled "de sacramento" (on the sacrament) written by Fr. Wiget between 1849 and 1850. Created while at Georgetown.
Typescript of an article in the Woodstock Letters on his experiences between 1941 and 1945 at Ateneo de Manila and later at Los Baños Internment Camp. Also contains correspondence from readers.