(Folder 2) Contains the second folio of the scrapbook, pp.21-40.
One series only.
This series contains the printed copies of Fr. Lord's pamphlets.
This series contains many nineteenth-century letters from members of the Biddle, Coxe and McMurtrie families, which are particularly useful in offering insight into the life of that period. Of special interest may be the letters by women (cf. the Franklin Sanborn Papers).
Correspondence from Hilaire Belloc to Dorothy Hamilton
Manuscripts by Sara Casey Maynard. Also includes manuscripts and illustrations gathered by Sara Casey Maynard for the first issue of a projected children's magazine.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Arranged alphabetically by individual.
ALS, Benjamin L. Winchester to Carmelite Constant Winchester, New Orleans, Buena Vista Plantation, Donaldsonville, 27 May 1851. Family news. The letter ends with a note: "I have got the Ice and whiskey, tell JAck to put his Ice box in order to receive it."
All correspondence is arranged in an integrated chronological sequence.
The Ralph Straus papers consist of 19 folders of individual correspondence received from numerous well-known British writers and artists. Arrangement is alphabetical by surname. Content is social as well as literary with references to Straus' books.
Abrreviations used include RS (Ralph Strauss); ALS (autograph letter signed); AMsS (autograph manuscript signed); TLS (typed letter signed); TMs (typed manuscript).