Photocopy of one typed letter in French, from Pierre Teilhard to Louis de Geuser, S.J. dated April 8, 1916, and a short note by Louis de Geuser, S.J. to Melle Jeanne Mortier (unnamed) dated October 12, 1968.
Photocopy of typed reproduction of letter excerpts in French, from Pierre Teilhard to Marcelle de Jouvenel from 1955. Also typed copy of letter excerpt from Marcelle de Jouvenel to Jean Prieur regarding Cuénot's collection of Teilhard's letters.
Two photocopies of the typed manuscript in French, "L'apport Spirituel de l'Extrême-Orient", by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin dated February 10, 1947. The manuscripts are accompanied by one typed transcript.
Photocopy of typd manuscript in French, "Barrière de la Mort et Co-réflexion"by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin dated January 5, 1995.
Materials regarding Pierre Teilhard de Chardin organized chronologically as they were received by Bronwen Astor.