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Showing Results: 1341 - 1359 of 1359

Periodicals & Miscellaneous Series

Identifier: 788
Series-level Scope and Content Note

Periodicals, ephemera, Children's Storefront and personal items of Ned O'Gorman.

Dates: 1944 - 1985

Allen Tate Biography Materials

Identifier: 1452
Series-level Scope and Content Note This series contains the research and correspondence files kept by Ned O'Gorman while he was working on a biography of Allen Tate. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically with carbon copies of Ned O'Gorman's outgoing letters filed with their responses where possible. The series contains photocopies of Tate Correspondence held at other institutions, articles on Tate, and photographs of Tate and his family and friends. This series also contains O'Gorman's notes towards the biography and the...
Dates: 1920 - 2004; Majority of material found within 1960 - 2000

D's, 1913 March - April

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents From the Collection: John William Davis' correspondence encompasses the years in which he served as solicitor general. The major portion of that correspondence deals with letters of endorsement regarding a Supreme Court vacancy; inquiries from citizens seeking positions with the federal government; petitions for military commissions during the war years; and Davis' carbon responses as well. These papers were found among the William J. Hughes, Jr. Papers and in consideration of Davis' position, it warranted a...
Dates: Other: 1913 March - April

Wright to Adelman, Jan - May, 1973, 01/03/1973 - 05/30/1973

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 23
Collection level scope note From the Collection: The Maurice Adelman, Jr. Papers consist of correspondence, pamphlets, and clippings by and about John Cardinal Wright. The collection comprises 1 linear foot of material and is arranged in 64 folders in 2 boxes. The collection holds about 150 personal letters from John Cardinal Wright to Maurice Adelman, along with correspondence between Adelman and some of Wright's friends concerning such issues as Wright's will and literary rights, the future writing of Wright's biography, as well as many...
Dates: 01/03/1973 - 05/30/1973

Resume and Repertoire, circa 1991

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection consists of concert programs, employment letters, concert recordings, and awards from the musical career of Detra Battle, 1979 to 2023. It covers: local Washington DC music competitions, national awards competitions, and religious choral music in Washington DC.

Dates: circa 1991

Published Reviews, 1988 - 1999

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection consists of concert programs, employment letters, concert recordings, and awards from the musical career of Detra Battle, 1979 to 2023. It covers: local Washington DC music competitions, national awards competitions, and religious choral music in Washington DC.

Dates: 1988 - 1999

Wills, Surnames O, 1857 - 1909

 File — Box: 98, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_80_2
Scope and Contents John O'Sullivan (1857); James O'Kane (1858); Michael O'Connor (1862); Joseph B. O'Hagan (1862); John F.X. O'Conor (1881 - note: accompanied by ALS corresp 1914-15 re O'Connor's will plus 1915 statement on same); (Missing: Thomas P. O'Donnell 1895); Edward O'Brien (1897); (Missing: James J. O'Connor 1899, Peter J. O'Carroll 1899); John J. O'Neill (1901); John O'Hara (1901); (Missing: Thomas J. O'Hara 1901, Patrick F. O'Gorman 1902); John F. O'Donovan (1904); (Missing: Raphael V. O'Connell...
Dates: 1857 - 1909

July 16-31, 1580 - 1966

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents Jesuit obituaries: Peter Sanchez (1609), John Barry (1872), Leo I. Hargadon (1952), James M. Cotter (1940), Patrick Nestor (1900), Patrick Aloysius Jordan (1899), John R. Bauhaus (1886), Francis Guesnier (1734), Theodore Sebastiani (1900), Ralph A. Sturtzer (1966), Patrick J. Claven (1885), Otto Hogenforst (1901), Michael Rogers (1905), Dennis T. O'Sullivan (1908), Claude McNair Bakewell (1921), Edward Steffen (1922) John B. Miege (1884), John Buckley (1876), Thomas Harvey (1696), Peter A....
Dates: 1580 - 1966

Wills, Surnames O-Z, 1900-1936

 File — Box: 207, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents Jesuit wills: Alfred B. Oates (1925), Peter A. Oates (1912), John O’Brien (1919). Richard O’Brien (1917), Raphael V. O’Connell (1905), John Joseph O’Connor (1915), Patrick F. O’Gorman (1902), William J. O’Gorman (1906), Frank W. O’Hara (1900), Thomas J. O’Hara (1901), William F. X. O’Hare (1906), Francis D. O’Laughlin (1911), Aloysius Patrick O’Leary (1911), Francis A. O’Malley (1936), Joseph Ondus (1926), Justin Joseph Ooghe (1913), Joseph Patrick O’Reilly (1909), John H. O’Rourke (1905),...
Dates: 1900-1936

Correspondence: Cleverdon, Douglas., 03/28/1970-10/25/1977

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 20
Identifier: 42220
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: (Box 3, Folders 12 -58; Box 4, Folders 1-10) This series of correspondence is by many of Jones' friends and admirers. Written primarily to his long-time friend Harman Grisewood, the letters concern Jones' work and welfare. Arrangement is alphabetical by correspondent. Includes correspondence from Faber and Faber publishers, Cambridge University, the National Library of Wales, and the Ulster Museum, concerning the disposition of his estate, the publication of his written works and exhibition...
Dates: 03/28/1970-10/25/1977

Catholic Interracial Council: Boston., 06/19/1941-01/10/1958

 File — Box: 29, Folder: 3
Identifier: 27470
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains material pertaining to the Catholic Interracial Councils. (It should be noted that material relevant to the Councils can be found elsewhere in the collection.)

Dates: 06/19/1941-01/10/1958

Correspondence, McGinnis - O., 03/31/1859-02/01/1920

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Identifier: 62930
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contain the correspondence sent to and collected by Thomas F. Meehan between the years 1859-1920. The correspondence has been arranged chronologically.

Dates: 03/31/1859-02/01/1920

Thirty-day retreat notes, 1951

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents

Typed notes from a thirty-day retreat taken by Fr. Coyne during his Jesuit noviceship.

Dates: 1951

Life of Christ notes, 1951

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents

Typed notes on the life of Christ written by Fr. Coyne during his Jesuit noviceship.

Dates: 1951

“A Comparative Study of the Definitions of the Trigonometric Functions", 1956 - 1957

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents

An essay presented to the Fordham University mathematics department as part of Fr. Coyne's undergraduate studies at Shrub Oak in 1956. Also includes later comments by Fr. Timothy P. Reardon in 1957.

Dates: 1956 - 1957

"The Tradition of the Natural Sciences during the Middle Ages (400-1300 AD)", 1955 - 1956

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents

An essay, written for an undergraduate course on the history of education in 1955, as well as notes by reviewers and a later draft dated 1956.

Dates: 1955 - 1956

Portrait, 1965

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents

One photograph and one retouched negative of Fr. Coyne.

Dates: 1965

British Interplanetary Society, 1959 - 1961

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 9
Scope and Contents

Materials regarding Fr. Coyne's membership in the Washington Metropolitan Branch of the British Interplanetary Society.

Dates: 1959 - 1961

Astro-Geophysics Conference, 1960

 File — Box: GTM Shared Box 38, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents

A program, list of participants, and schedule as well as correspondence and group photographs from the Summer Conference for College Teachers of Physics and Astronomy on Recent Advances in Astro-Geophysics held at Georgetown University.

Dates: 1960