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Showing Results: 1361 - 1380 of 1380

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (83 of 83), 1852-08-01-1852-09-01

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 22
Identifier: 119_73_11
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Aschwanden from: 2 from Paresce on admissions to Frederick Novitiate, misc. 8/1 & 2/1852; Joseph Ardia, SJ on assignment to Baltimore 8/1/1852; Bapst on withdrawal of Society from Eastport, ME, mission 8/7/1852; Early asking to go to St. Thomas 8/8/1852; Barbelin on misc. 8/12/1852. Also includes ALS to Stonestreet from: Murphy recalling Costa from Frederick to Missouri 8/17/1852; 2 from T. Mulledy on status of Frederick 8/26/1852; John Barrister, SJ on trip to Fordham,...
Dates: 1852-08-01-1852-09-01

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Frederick (39 of 82), 1856-01-07-1856-12-14

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_75_30
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Paresce on misc. 1/7/1856, on production of and errors in Province catalogue 1/20/1856, on food relief for poor 1/21/1856, on conversions 1/23/1856, on retreat, Fr. Sourin's translation of Fr. General's circular 2/12/1856, on damage claims of Bro. Nipper 2/18/1856, Sourin called to Baltimore to testify in suit 2/28/1856, Sourin to give retreat 3/17/1856, on novices sent from colleges 4/17/1856, on misc. 6/11/1856, sending beads 6/18/1856, on misc. 6/28/1856,...
Dates: 1856-01-07-1856-12-14

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Missouri Province (57 of 82), 1854-02-28-1854-12-13

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_74_16
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: ? requesting retreat at Notre Dame du Lac 4/15/1854; Murphy on scarcity of vocations at St. Louis University 2/28/1854, requesting Fr. Verdin, on Marylanders collecting in Missouri 4/8 & 25/1854, on misc. personnel matters, Bedini's visit to US 5/5/1854, on more permanent establishment in Louisville, recall of German Jesuits, old tension between Missouri and Maryland provinces 6/21/1854, on recall of Germans, collections for Loyola College 6/32/1854; on...
Dates: 1854-02-28-1854-12-13

Burchard Villiger, S.J. (2 of 18), 1858-01-04-1858-11-30

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_76_1
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Fr. Provincial from: Bp P. Lynch of Charleston invitation to consecration 2/28/1858; petition from St. Peter's, Queenstown, for priest 5/24/1858; from Murphy about retreat 8/5/1858; Bp George Carrell of Covington, KY asking Ryder to lecture 8/16/1858; Bp Neumann on giving up Gettysburg 9/4/1858; Tellier, SJ asking retreat 9/10/1858; 2 from Folchi on trip to Rome Nov 1858; H.B. Thompson asking Catholic position on slavery 8/24/1858; PRN report of Young Catholics' Friend...
Dates: 1858-01-04-1858-11-30

Burchard Villiger, S.J. (3 of 18), 1859-04-02-1859-10-10

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 15
Identifier: 119_76_36
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to B. Villiger from: Rev. P. Lavialle offering St. Mary's College, KY to Society 4/2/1859; P. Healy on misc., political situation in Italy 5/22/1859, misc. in Belgium 9/18/1859; various senders on misc. Jan-Jun 1859; Joseph Hegan, SJ on trip to Europe 9/22/1859, on arrival at Havre 10/3/1859; Murphy on faculty needs at Fordham 7/17/1859; Rev. B. Keller requesting Jesuit for Camp Floyd, Utah 6/20 & 9/1/1859; Sopranis announcing appointment as Visitor and beginning of...
Dates: 1859-04-02-1859-10-10

Angelus M. Paresce, S.J. - New York (30 of 33), 1863

 File — Box: 19, Folder: 28
Identifier: 119_77_22
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Tellier to Stonestreet requesting retreat 9/20 & 29/1856, on boarding arrangements for faculty at Fordham 3/7/1863; from J. Larkin, SJ recommendation of candidate for novitiate 11/11/1856; from Murphy on misc., flourishing of Fordham, assignment of Japan to Dutch Province 11/14/1856; from J.B. Hus, SJ to Stonestreet on donation to German Mission in Maryland 12/5/1856, with thanks 12/21/1856, 1/16 & 4/20/1857, on personnel situation 7/26/1858; PRN invitation to St....
Dates: 1863

James Ryder, S.J. (3 of 5), 1844-01-22-1844-06-27

 File — Box: 10, Folder: 7
Identifier: 119_68_6
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Robt. Nanet to Ryder on matters concerning contract of sale of St. Mary's, Philadelphia 5/2/1844; from Combs to Ryder on effect of civil disturbances on Society in Philadelphia 5/10/1844, on reopening of churches in Philadelphia, deed to St. Mary's 5/19/1844; from T. Mulledy to G. Fenwick on misc. events at Holy Cross College, Worcester 5/12/1844; AMs contract for secular clergy at Conewago 1/22/1844; from Ryder to McElroy on anti-Catholic disturbances in Philadelphia...
Dates: 1844-01-22-1844-06-27

Woodstock College (2 of 7), 1860 - 1921

 File — Box: 65, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_21_7
Scope and Contents Correspondence and other documents: Theses ex Ethica et Theodicea (1861); Theses ex Ontologia (1861); Theses ex Metaphysica Speciali; Theses ex Newsclipping (1907) concerns the arrival of John Murphy Farley, Archbishop of New York (1901); Corresp. (Mar. 1883) from Joseph E. Keller, S.J.; Advertisement leaflet for and book review "Compendium theologiae moralis" by A. Sabetti, S J.; Invitation (1919) to Golden Jubilee Celebration of Woodstock; Letter to the Alumni (1911) from...
Dates: 1860 - 1921

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (60 of 83), 1851-08-09-1851-12-31

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 19
Identifier: 119_72_13
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Bp James Oliver of Chicago introducing priest wishing to enter Society (includes note by Abp Francis Kenrick of Baltimore) 12/5/1851; 2 from Barbelin on misc. re St. Joseph's, Philadelphia 12/5 & 22/1851; Pallhuber on income from Richmond pew auction 12/8/1851; AMsS agreement between Bp McGill and Brocard on German congregation in Richmond 12/15/1851; Abp Kenrick on observation of Council of Baltimore re female confessions 12/15/1851; 2 from Vicinanza on...
Dates: 1851-08-09-1851-12-31

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. (2 of 82), 1852-09-01-1852-10-31

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 24
Identifier: 119_73_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Bernardin Wiget, SJ on misc. at Frederick Novitiate 9/1/1852; T. Mulledy on retaining and rebuilding Holy Cross 9/26/1852; 4 from Barbelin on needs of St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia 10/7, 13, 19, & 23/1852, 3 on state of St. Joseph's College 9/9, 17, & 27/1852; Woodley on constructing housekeeper's residence at Newtown 9/8/1852; Bapst on retaining Maine Mission 9/12/1852; Ciampi on rebuilding Holy Cross 9/15/1852; McElroy on establishment of...
Dates: 1852-09-01-1852-10-31

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (5 of 16), 1840-09-12-1840-12-22

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Identifier: 119_67_9
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Grivel to Lancaster on misc. including intention to give up Goshenhoppen and Alexandria 5/4/1840, on misc. including Gov. Johnson's intention to build chapel for former White Marsh and St. Inigoes enslaved individuals 5/30/1840, on misc., including repair of mill at White Marsh 7/18/1840; from Cary to ? on former's epilepsy 5/8/1840; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on founding of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Boston, funeral of Bp Brute 5/22/1840; from Ward to S. Barber on...
Dates: 1840-09-12-1840-12-22

Wills, Surnames L-N, 1850 - 1909

 File — Box: 98, Folder: 4
Identifier: 119_80_1
Scope and Contents Daniel Lynch (1855); Francis Lachat (1858); (Missing: James A. Leddy 1899, Denis Lynch 1900, Francis J. Lamb 1902, Francis J. Lenahan 1902); Augustus Langcake (1905); (Missing: Clement S. Lancaster 1905, Charles V. Lamb 1905, John T. Lunny 1905); John F. Leehy (1906); (Missing: Fred G. Lang 1907, Vincent Liberante 1908, Charles W. Lyons 1908, James F. Leary 1909); Henry J. Lyons (1909); James Moore (1850); Bernard A. Maguire (1855); Peter L. Miller (1867); Charles M. Maldonado (1871);...
Dates: 1850 - 1909

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (4 of 16), 1840-05-04-1840-09-15

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_67_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Grivel to Lancaster on misc. including intention to give up Goshenhoppen and Alexandria 5/4/1840, on misc. including Gov. Johnson's intention to build chapel for former White Marsh and St. Inigoes enslaved individuals 5/30/1840, on misc., including repair of mill at White Marsh 7/18/1840; from Cary to ? on former's epilepsy 5/8/1840; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on founding of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Boston, funeral of Bp Brute 5/22/1840; from Ward to S. Barber on...
Dates: 1840-05-04-1840-09-15

Barbour, Robert E. (Ambassador)., 01/01/1949-12/31/1992

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 129
Identifier: GAMMS2.2.741
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Dates: 01/01/1949-12/31/1992

Charles Neale, S.J. (7 of 7), 1823-01-03-1823-06-22

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 18
Identifier: 119_60_12
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from A. Kohlmann to McElroy on Abp's wish for secular assistant for Frederick Jan 1823; from Dzierozynski to C. Neale on misc. instructions from Fr. General Jan 1823; from John Walsh to E. Fenwick on claims against Baltimore Cathedral 1/3/1823; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on faculty at Georgetown, Washington Seminary, Abp Marechal's attempts to claim White Marsh, schism in Philadelphia, debts of Society in Maryland 1/14/1823; from Bp Conwell to Marshall on disposition of St....
Dates: 1823-01-03-1823-06-22

Georgetown Alumni Armed Forces Letters, pp. 201-299., 04/26/1944-10/02/1944

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Identifier: 19042
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Transcriptions of correspondence received by Rev. Richard C. Law, S.J. from alumni and other former students on active duty with the armed services during World War II.

Dates: 04/26/1944-10/02/1944

1. Records of the Provincial, 1805-1981

Scope and Contents Series 1, the Records of the Provincial, documents the formation of missions, Houses of Jesuit formation, colleges, and houses for the entire Maryland Province under its various iterations. The Provincial derives his authority from the Superior General In Rome and ensures that members and individual communities comply with the rules of the Society of Jesus and the directives of diocesan leaders. During its existence between 1805 and 2020, the Province included the mid-Atlantic states of...
Dates: 1805-1981

Georgetown Alumni Armed Forces Letters, pp. 1-100., 11/11/1941-11/15/1943

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Identifier: 19040
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Transcriptions of correspondence received by Rev. Richard C. Law, S.J. from alumni and other former students on active duty with the armed services during World War II.

Dates: 11/11/1941-11/15/1943

IP-4.1: St. Alphonsus Church, Woodstock, Md. - Diary of the sunday school, 1890-1899

 File — Box: 38, Folder: 841
Scope and Contents

Sunday school diary for St. Alphonsus, Woodstock, Maryland. Contains the first instance of segregation within the Sunday school on Jan 15th, 1899.

Dates: 1890-1899

IP-3.4: St. Alphonsus Church, Woodstock, Md. - Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday school, , 1914-1920

 File — Box: 38, Folder: 830
Scope and Contents

Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, membership rolls, and contains event programs and photos.

Dates: 1914-1920