Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.
Donovan, G. Murphy
Policy, intelligence and the billion-dollar petroglyph / G. Murphy Donovan
(Box 1, Folders 1-30; Box 2, Folders 1-28) This series consists of files on individuals associated with Philip Barry and his work (including family members). Material includes correspondence, newsclippings, photographs, and any other items concerning the individual. Arrangement is alphabetical by name.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
Series includes correspondence with individuals.
The Donn B. Murphy Papers contain correspondence, scripts, articles, photographs, and other material relating to the career of Donn B. Murphy as teacher and director of dramatic theater at Georgetown University, primarily, with some material relating to work as director of the National Theater, Washington, D.C.
The Donn B. Murphy Papers contain correspondence, scripts, articles, photographs, and other material relating to the career of Donn B. Murphy as teacher and director of dramatic theater at Georgetown University, primarily, with some material relating to work as director of the National Theater, Washington, D.C.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
This series contains correspondence with or about individuals with whom JLF associated. The series is arranged alphabetically by name.
Series includes correspondence with individuals.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
Correspondence received by JPJM mainly in response to requests by JPJM for autographs and photographs of notable artists, writers and composers of the 1930's, 40's and 50's.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.