Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Arranged alphabetically by individual.
(Box 1, Folders 1 - 30) This series consists of correspondence from notable individuals, as well as from frequent correspondents who were friends and associates of Julie and Thomas Kernan.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
Correspondence with Individuals. Arranged alphabetically.
Only one series.
(Box 3, Folders 30 - 72) This series contains photographs of individual friends and associates as well as of Thomas Kernan. In addition, printed material collected by both Kernans on various subjects including World War II, are filed in this section.
The Personal Series includes personal correspondence, regarding his many honorary degrees and merits, photographs and related ephemera.
Contains subject files generated by Edwin C. Fishel for his Civil War research. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
The Rogers Family Papers consist of fifteen series, the first being on the Rogers & Clarke families in general, and the remainder focusing on the papers of individuals such as James Webb Rogers I, J. Harris Rogers, James Charles Rogers, Cora Rogers Clarke, Phillips H. Clarke Jr., Mae Harris Clarke and George E. Sullivan. The final series contains objects and oversize materials of varying types.
Extent: 30 linear feet
Number of Boxes: 19, with 11 oversize containers
Offprints, notes, printed materials, and book reviews collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr. relating to Alexander Pope, the English poet. Arranged alphabetically.
Correspondence to William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged chronologically.
The Personal Series includes personal correspondence, regarding his many honorary degrees and merits, photographs and related ephemera.
Correspondence to Shirley Hazzard organized by individual. May include related material.