Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents, including those of the Jester of Columbia, related to Edward Rice's undergraduate years at Columbia University, 1936-1940.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.
This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the personal life and professional career of Edward Rice for the years 1941-1950.
Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.
This series contains back issues of the Catholic magazine founded by Edward Rice Jubilee.
Including guest lists, and letter responses from Jesuit, diocesan, and religious houses.
Chronological files for the Arabian Affairs Department of Aramco.
Attendence record book for the St. Peter Claver's sodality sunday school
Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.