Contains original correspondence, correspondence about, artwork, and catalogs of Rockwell Kent.
Contains original correspondence, correspondence about, artwork, and catalogs of Rockwell Kent.
(Box 7, Folders 29-33; Box 8, Folders 1-10) Contains miscellaneous manuscripts by RH.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.
Correspondence found among the Gary Wasserman Papers. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence found among the Gary Wasserman Papers. Arranged chronologically.
(Box 5, Folders 1 - 37) Includes manuscripts of DJ's writings and artwork; as well as related publisher correspondence and material.
Jones, Cecil B
Photographic satellite reconnaissance / by Cecil B. Jones
(Box 3, Folders 1-11) Part IV contains miscellaneous correspondence sent and received by David Jones. Includes letters from old friends such as H.S. (Jim) Ede, Hugh Fraser, and Prudence Pelham.
Contains the transcripts for the interviews conducted by Colin Campbell with officials from the Reagan Administration.