Sermons not intended for a specific liturgical date: "St. Patrick" (1835), two versions of "Consecration of [Archbishop John] Hughes" (1838), "The Morality of the Christian Religion" (1841), and "False Happiness of the World" (1841).
A booklet used to track donations during two journeys to Ireland to solicit funds for St. Peter’s (1842) and the Church of St. Charles Borromeo (1849) in New York, although it is unclear which entries correspond with which trip. Includes two notes from Bishop John Hughes referring to these efforts.
Attendence record book for the St. Peter Claver's sodality sunday school
List of League of the Sacred Heart members for the St. Peter Claver Sunday School, an African American sodality at St. Alphonsus, Woodstock, Maryland. Includes program notes.
Correspondence (1828-1842) between John McElroy, S.J., and Bishop John Hughes; Notes (1840) from a retreat for the clergy of the New York diocese; Rules for the Administration of [New York] Churches that have no Trustees (1845)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_11_5; 12B5**
Contains misc. uncoded ALS from various senders, including Abp John Hughes of NY requesting account of St. Francis Xavier, New York 6/24/1857; from Dietz to Stonestreet on German congregation in Wheeling; to Stonestreet on Fr. King's debts; from Russian government to Stonestreet asking about Dzierozynski's will 1/12/1858; from Lachat to Stonestreet on wish to return to America 8/21/1857.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_16; 225Y1-225Z2**
Other documents related to slavery:
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding and to the 1838 sale of approximately 300 enslaved individuals.
Programs for the annual May Day Procession held by the St. Peter Claver Sodality and Sunday School, the African American sodality of St. Alphonsus, Woodstock, Maryland.