This series contains correspondence with individuals or institutions, and is arranged chronologically.
This series contains correspondence with individuals or institutions, and is arranged chronologically.
This series contains material pertaining to the Catholic Interracial Councils. (It should be noted that material relevant to the Councils can be found elsewhere in the collection.)
This series consists of America Magazine General Correspondence. Within this series will be found folders filed by topic and/or names of specific individuals to and from whom correspondence was either addressed or received. In addition, one will occasionally find correspondence which predates the founding of America Magazine. This particular type of correspondence, normally addressed to Father Wynne, the founding editor, was incorporated into the America Magazine general file.
Contains ALS correspondence from John Elet, SJ, Peter Walsh, SJ, John Smedts, SJ, De Smet, Henry Reiselman, SJ, and Van Quickenborne.
**Former finding aid location: 119_128_11; XXXM1-XXXM12**
Contains undated ALS apparently accompanying a gift from signatory Bro. Henry Rieselman of Missouri Mission.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_128_1; XXX**
Expenses and receipts of the Procurator-Agent of the CRCC that document expenses and disbursements from the plantations; expenses for the schools and houses, and Jesuit formation; and payments to laborers and servants. Includes records of payments from the 1838 sale of enslaved people to Jesse Batey and Henry Johnson.
**Former finding aid locations: 119.1_68; 190E**
Land records related to Saint George's Island: Indenture (1662) between Ralph Crouch and Gregory Turberville; Copy of Grant by Caecilius Lord Baltimore (1667) to Henry Warren, S.J.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_26.1_20; 100Y1-100Y2**
Land records related to Saint George's Island:
Original grant from Caecilius Lord Baltimore (1667) to Henry Warren, S.J. for St. Inigoes, St. George's Island and St. Mary's Chapel and town land.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_26.1_21; 100Y2**
Land records:
Indenture (1685) between Henry Warren, S.J., and Francis Pennington; Deed (1693) between Francis Pennington and William Hunter, S.J.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_26.1_22; 100Y3-100Y4**
Land records:
Indenture (1711) between Notley Rozer and William Hunter, S.J.; Bond (1731) of Aaron Goodrich to Peter Attwood, S.J.; Abstract of title (William Hunter's title to St. Thomas Manor); Rev. Fr. William Hunter's title to St. Thomas Manor (1721); Handwritten copy of Hunter's title; Summary of title [Extract of Fr. Henry Warren's indenture to Fr. Pennington.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_27_14; 101T14-101V4**
Survey and Map (1669) of St. Thomas Manor; Grant (1670) by Caecilius Calvert (Lord Baltimore) to Henry Warren; Plat map of Chapel Point, March 1893 (printed with graphic illustrations); Cedar Point Neck Map showing tenant locations at Cedar Point Neck c. 1910; Pye's Chance - survey map by Joseph Zwinge (1913)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_OS4_8; 119_OS4_8; 101Z6-101-Z7; 101aT4; 52T13; 101aA**
Letter from Henry Johnson to William McSherry, S.J.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_40_10; 112W1**
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding and to the 1838 sale of approximately 300 enslaved individuals.
Power of attorney: Jesse Batey to Henry Johnson, September 28, 1838 (two copies)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_40_10; 112W6**
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding and to the 1838 sale of approximately 300 enslaved individuals.
John Dutton, Judge Parish of Iberville, statement on fertility of lands to support mortgage issued to Jesse Batey and Henry Johnson, September 15 1838
**Former finding aid locations: 119_40_10; 112W4**
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding and to the 1838 sale of approximately 300 enslaved individuals.
Opinion of Judge William Brent regarding mortgages of Henry Johnson and Jesse Batey, September 15, 1839
**Former finding aid locations: 119_40_9; 112T0**
This folder contains materials related to Jesuit slaveholding and to the 1838 sale of approximately 300 enslaved individuals.