Contains correspondence and documents to and from James Henry Loughborough. Arranged chronologically.
Contains correspondence from James H. Loughborough to Margaret C.B. Loughborough, mostly with Civil War discussion. Arranged chronologically.
Contains correspondence from James H. Loughborough to Margaret C.B. Loughborough, mostly with Civil War discussion. Arranged chronologically.
This series contains material about Jesuits and Jesuit life.
This series consists of correspondence, pamphlets, newsclippings and miscellaneous items pertaining to the Spanish Conflict/Civil War during the 1930's.
Letters, facsimiles, and other forms of written communication to Warnke and copies of his replies. Occasionally, we have Warnke's signed side of the exchanges when his text was sent by facsimile.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
Correspondence of Peter J. Sullivan to his family.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to Individuals. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Papers relating to a lawsuit by the state of North Carolina against B.C. West, Jr., seeking the return of papers to which the state claimed ownership.