Academic offprints collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged alphabetically by author.
Academic offprints collected by William K. Wimsatt, Jr., arranged alphabetically by author.
(Box 1, Folders 1-33) This is a series of 'Time' magazine covers collected by Mr. Dahlhaus and specially mounted for exhibition. Most are signed by the subjects. All include captions by Mr. Dahlhaus, on the back of the matting. The captions were also typed onto index cards (see Box 2, Folder 34).
(Box 2, Folders 1 -29; Box 3, Folders 1-6) This series consists of correspondence and information collected by FJD on each of the "Time" magazine covers and their autographers in Series 1. Information is primarily in the form of newsclippings about the individuals and their fields. Correspondence is in the form of xerox copies of ALS or TLS from FJD to the prospective autographer or agent.
Zaddach, Frank Helmut
Britische Kommandotruppen und Kommandounternehmen in Zweiten Weltkrieg
Darmstadt, Wehr und Wissen Verlagsgesellschaft [1963]
Lynder, Frank
Spione in Hamburg und auf Helgoland neuentdeckte Geheimdokumente aus der napoleonischen Zeit
[Hamburg] Hoffmann und Campe [1964]
This series contains back issues of the Catholic magazine founded by Edward Rice Jubilee.
Please note that correspondents often mention acquaintances or other individuals but will not provide their complete names. When known, the full name is given in parentheses. Also, in the case of the Clarke family, one A.K. Clark signs her name without the 'e' although it is likely that she is a member of the Clarke family. She also cites (her husband?) inconsistently as 'Mr. Clark' or 'Mr. Clarke.' Descriptions for each letter will use the spelling that the correspondent has used.
Professional and personal photographs of Clare Boothe Luce with family and friends throughout her life. Included are photos of from childhood; as wife of millionaire George Brokaw, managing editor at Vanity Fair; and as the wife of American publisher, Henry Robinson Luce. Notable are her campaign photographs of 1942 when she ran for a seat in Congress.
Photographs and drawings collected by JPJM.
Julie Rive-King Materials. Chronological correspondence appears first, followed by printed matter.
Reuter, Frank
Funkmess die Entwicklung und der Einsatz des RADAR-Verfahrens in Deutschland bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges
Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag [c1971]
Box 11. Alphabetical photographic files Ben-Ami — Beresin, Jack, 66 folders.
Please note that correspondents often mention acquaintances or other individuals but will not provide their complete names. When known, the full name is given in parentheses. Also, in the case of the Clarke family, one A.K. Clark signs her name without the 'e' although it is likely that she is a member of the Clarke family. She also cites (her husband?) inconsistently as 'Mr. Clark' or 'Mr. Clarke.' Descriptions for each letter will use the spelling that the correspondent has used.