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Showing Results: 2901 - 2920 of 2946

Performance Programs, Exhibition Pamphlets, 1949-2009

 File — Box: 8, Folder: 4
Content Description From the Collection:

Playbills and performing arts programs collected by Valerie and Kenneth S. Lynn. Primarily from New York and Washington, D.C., especially Kennedy Center.

Dates: Other: 1949-2009

Democratic National Convention - Correspondence "R"., 09/26/1938-08/31/1940

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 8
Identifier: 28470
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: This series constitutes correspondence covering the Democratic National Convention for the election of Roosevelt to a third presidential term. The bulk of material dates from late 1938 through fall 1940. Folders have been maintained in their provenance; arrangement is alphabetical by surname. Content includes letters from the public in support of FDR, as well as poison pen letters, and correspondence from HLH's colleagues. Notable correspondence is itemized for each folder description....
Dates: 09/26/1938-08/31/1940

N Correspondence., 01/01/1921-12/31/1961

 File — Box: 64, Folder: 31
Identifier: 28290
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains correspondence with individuals arranged alphabetically.

Dates: 01/01/1921-12/31/1961

Research Files: Volume 8, pt. v., 01/01/1977-12/31/1977

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 14
Identifier: 89993
Scope and Contents From the Collection: This collection contains the research and subject files, interview tapes, including transcripts, and related material of the noted writer and journalist Larry Collins. Included in this collection are the materials for Collins' five collaborative works with French journalist and writer Dominique Lapierre, as well as the three novels he authored alone. The collection has been arranged chronologically according to the dates of publication for his works. The collectins holds material related to...
Dates: 01/01/1977-12/31/1977

Correspondence Bro-Buc., 02/16/1956-06/28/1967

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 23
Identifier: 62992
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and a wide variety of supplemental items that document Murray's career as author, editor, lecturer, professor, and theologian. Murray is perhaps best known for his books We Hold These Truths (1960) and The Problem of God (1964) as well as for his longstanding editorship of Theological Studies. Among Murray's correspondents are Rev. John...
Dates: 02/16/1956-06/28/1967

Correspondence: Misc. Individuals to Charles Quest, 1950-51., 01/18/1950-12/27/1951

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.2
Identifier: 66885
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.

Dates: 01/18/1950-12/27/1951

Correspondence: Misc. Individuals to Charles Quest. 1957-1959., 03/26/1957-06/11/1959

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.7
Identifier: 66890
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.

Dates: 03/26/1957-06/11/1959

IP-3.5: St. Alphonsus Church, Woodstock, Md. - Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, 1920-1932

 File — Box: 38, Folder: 831
Scope and Contents

Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, and contains play programs, photos, and negatives.

Dates: 1920-1932

Rowell, Edward M. (Ambassador)., 01/01/1956-12/31/1994

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 252
Identifier: GAMMS2.2.864
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Dates: 01/01/1956-12/31/1994

Correspondence: Edward Rice to Phoebe Larmore, 1971-1974., 06/03/1971-12/09/1974

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 63
Identifier: GAMMS448.3.436
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains the correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous documents related to the professional career of Edward Rice, spanning the years 1967-1991. Also included in this series are the private papers and correspondence related to Edward Rice's personal life during this time period.

Dates: 06/03/1971-12/09/1974

Correspondence 1959 M., 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 20
Identifier: 46211
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series: [Folders 1:1 - 6:13] Correspondence received by CBL from 1933 through 1971. Includes carbon replies from CBL. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent for each year. To maintain the integrity of a series of correspondence by certain individuals, a given year may include letters from preceding years. In such cases, correspondence is filed by the most recent date in the series. Content is primarily social and personal. Some unclassified official correspondence is included. (Further official...
Dates: 01/01/1959-12/31/1959

G Dinner 1929., 04/24/1929-04/24/1929

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 5
Identifier: 55996

CIC: Reorganization., 04/07/1957-10/23/1959

 File — Box: 32, Folder: 14
Identifier: 27524
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains material pertaining to the Catholic Interracial Councils. (It should be noted that material relevant to the Councils can be found elsewhere in the collection.)

Dates: 04/07/1957-10/23/1959

Labor Matters (Mostly Racial)., 05/16/1927-11/12/1951

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 27129
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.

Dates: 05/16/1927-11/12/1951

Songs (various works for solo voice with piano), 1933 - 1955

 File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents A selection of 10 songs by Fax for voice and piano, listed below. Includes a brief essay, "A Note About My Songs - In Retrospect". Additional photocopies in box 8. Night Truths, by Mary Leo and M. Fax, 1946 (solo soprano and piano) Dreams, by Mary Leo and M. Fax, 1946 (solo soprano and piano) IMPULSE - IMPATIENCE, by Mary Leo and M. Fax, 1946 (solo soprano and...
Dates: 1933 - 1955

Correspondence Sug-Swe., 08/24/1956-08/30/1967

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 238
Identifier: 63207
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and a wide variety of supplemental items that document Murray's career as author, editor, lecturer, professor, and theologian. Murray is perhaps best known for his books We Hold These Truths (1960) and The Problem of God (1964) as well as for his longstanding editorship of Theological Studies. Among Murray's correspondents are Rev. John...
Dates: 08/24/1956-08/30/1967

Correspondence Lyn-Lyn., 07/15/1955-06/21/1967

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 144
Identifier: 63113
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, and a wide variety of supplemental items that document Murray's career as author, editor, lecturer, professor, and theologian. Murray is perhaps best known for his books We Hold These Truths (1960) and The Problem of God (1964) as well as for his longstanding editorship of Theological Studies. Among Murray's correspondents are Rev. John...
Dates: 07/15/1955-06/21/1967

IL-2-188-206: 188 - Miscellaneous Estate Documents, 1945-1957

 File — Box: 35, Folder: 738-742
Scope and Contents Estate documents for Ellen Brosnan (1945); 189 - Frank J. Brunner (1952); 190 - Agnes T. Caulfield (1952); 191 - Mary A. Carroll (1951); 192 - Anna Marie Conway (1952); 193 - Lillian Wonahue (1952); 194 - Margaret Drury (1952); 195 - Margaret Durand (1955); 196 - Edwin H. Fishe (1948); 197 - Jennie Flynn (1953); 198 - Lillie Fow (1952); 199 - Rev. T. Gaffney (1955); 200 - F.X. Gehrig (1957); 201 - Mary Gordon (1956); 202 - Michael Haas (1951); 203 - M. Halpine (1948); 204 - B.T. Hatfield...
Dates: 1945-1957

Correspondence: Misc. Individuals to Charles Quest, 1951-1952., 09/06/1951-09/27/1952

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.3
Identifier: 66886
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.

Dates: 09/06/1951-09/27/1952

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 2487
Georgetown University Archives 399
Georgetown University Rare Books 27
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 19
Bioethics Research Library Archives 7
Archival Object 2877
Collection 62
Person 5
Subject 2
Scrapbooks 6
British literature 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Catholic literature 4
American Literature 3
∨ more
Athletics 3
Journalism 3
Panama 3
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 2
Catholic Church 2
Catholic History 2
Catholicism 2
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 2
Photographs 2
Victorian life 2
Women's and Gender Studies 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
American history 1
Antisemitism 1
Athletics, 1930s 1
Athletics, 1940s 1
Bibliography 1
Bioethics 1
Booker Prize 1
Booksellers and bookselling 1
British History 1
British History -- 19th century 1
Burns, Jimmy 1
Burns, Tom 1
Campion, Edward 1
Canavan, Frank 1
Caribbean Area 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic women 1
Children's literature -- Periodicals 1
Cohonguroton Address 1
Cold War 1
Commencements 1
Commonplace books 1
Communism 1
Cuna Indians 1
D'Arcy, Martin 1
Diaries 1
Diplomacy 1
Economics 1
Espionage 1
Football 1
Foreign Affairs and International Security 1
Georgetown University Forum 1
Georgetown University Hospital 1
Georgetown University, 1910-1919 1
Georgetown University, 1920s 1
History- Teaching of 1
Holy Trinity Church (Washington, D.C.) 1
International Relations -- United States 1
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 1
Jesuits -- History 1
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 1
Jewish ethics 1
Jews 1
John, Henry 1
Jones, David 1
Lectures 1
Libraries -- History -- 20th century 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 1
Literature 1
Maryland -- History 1
Medical ethics 1
Middle East 1
Motion Picture Industry -- History 1
Murphy, Donn B. 1
Music (physical format/genre) 1
Opera 1
Pamphlets 1
Panama Canal (Panama) 1
Performing Arts 1
Petroleum industry and trade -- Saudi Arabia 1
Photograph albums 1
Poland 1
Pope Paul VI 1
Printed ephemera 1
Publishers and publishing 1
Queer history 1
Richey, Michael 1
Russia 1
Sailors 1
Sexton, Leo 1
Skis and skiing 1
Small presses 1
Student Notes 1
Technology 1
Television news anchors 1
Tropaia 1
United States -- History -- 1850-1902 1
Universities and colleges -- History 1
Walsh, Edmund A., S.J. 1
Wilkinson, Walter 1
Women artists 1
Women's suffrage - United States 1
World War, 1914-1918 1
∧ less
English 776
Spanish; Castilian 5
English 2
Russian 2
Creoles and pidgins, English-based 2
∨ more  
Franck, César, 1822-1890 2
Jesuits. Maryland Province 2
Kennedy Institute of Ethics 2
Knight, Sheridan, S.J. 2
Nugent, David, S.J., Rev. 2
∨ more
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Albalsh, Lawrence, S.J. 1
Alexander, Calvert, S.J., Rev. 1
Alliot, E., S.S.E. 1
Anderson, Henry J., S.J. 1
Arabian American Oil Company 1
Baker, John C., S.J. 1
Bakman, Patrick 1
Barnett, James R., S.J. 1
Beehest, Thomas A., S.J. 1
Binz, Leo 1
Booker Prize Foundation 1
Bowdren, Thomas S., S.J. 1
Brady, Anna M., 1901-1999 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Buddy, Charles F. 1
Bunch, Joseph, S.V.D. 1
Burges, Charles A. 1
Butler, Thomas P., S.J. 1
Byrne, Francis X., S.J. 1
Caughler, T.J., S.J. 1
Clark, Joseph T., S.J. 1
Collins, J.J., S.J 1
Comey, Denis J., S.J. 1
Considine, John J., M.M., Rev. 1
Coyne, George V., 1933-2020 1
Creeden, Daniel H., S.J. 1
Crimont, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Cullen, Victor F., M.D. 1
DeMaria, Anthony, S.J. 1
Devaney, Louis A., S.J. 1
Donovan, Joseph P., C.M., J.C.D. 1
Druhan, John J., S.J. 1
DuVal, Miles P., Jr. (Miles Percy), 1896-1989 1
Duffy, James P., S.J. 1
Dukin, Agatho, C.P. 1
Dullea, Maurice V., S.J. 1
Dunne, Frederic M., O.C.S.O. 1
Egan, Joseph M., S.J. 1
Enright, Frank 1
Erwin, John, -1863 1
Fearns, James 1
Fiedler, Joseph H., C.S.C. 1
Gallagher, John P., S.J. 1
Gallery of Living Catholic Authors 1
Gargan, Neil, S.J. 1
Gifford, J.J., S.J. 1
Goff, Martyn 1
Graham, Kenneth L., S.J. 1
Guercher, Joseph P., S.J. 1
Gutherie, Hunter, S.J. 1
Haitz, Jos. F., S.J., Rev. 1
Handren, Walter J., S.J. 1
Hartman, David, 1931-2013 1
Hearn, Joseph R., S.J. 1
Hill, Teresa, M. 1
J.R., Heann, S.J. 1
John J., Scanlor, S.J. 1
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation 1
Kearney, James E. 1
Keenan, Francis E., S.J. 1
Kenna, Edward J., S.J. 1
Killeen, John J., S.J. 1
Kirby, Francis J. 1
Langan, J.J., S.J. 1
Long, John J., S.J. 1
Loretto, M., R.S.M. 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Madden, David, S.J. 1
Maguire, James J, S.J. 1
Mahony, S.J., Br. 1
Martin, M.J., Rev. 1
Masnell, Joseph R. N., S.J. 1
Masterson, William F., S.J. 1
McCarly, James A., S.J. 1
McCormick, John P., S.S. 1
McDermott, Fidelis 1
McEleney, J.J., S.J. 1
McGouran, George P., S.J. 1
McHugh, Mchael, S.J., Br. 1
McIntyre, Francis A., J. 1
McKennath, Horace, S.J. 1
McQuade, F.A., S.J. 1
Mullaby, Thomas, S.J. 1
Nevils, W. Coleman, S.J. 1
O'Brian, Joseph J., S.J. 1
O'Connor, Martin J., D.D., V.G., 1
O'Leary, Andrew, S.J. 1
O'Neill, Thomas L., C.S.P. 1
Peach, Mary E., O.S.U. 1
Ramsaye, Terry, 1885-1954 1
Ruppel, F.J., S.J. 1
Scott, Martin J., S.J. 1
Shanahan, James J., S.J. 1
Shelley, O.B., S.J. 1
∧ less