Contains outgoing correspondence from John Gilmary Shea. Mostly letters to Edmond Mallet. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Transcriptions of correspondence received by Rev. Richard C. Law, S.J. from alumni and other former students on active duty with the armed services during World War II.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, membership rolls, and contains event programs and photos.
Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
Series includes correspondence of John Deedy with editors and publishers regarding books and articles he wrote. Also includes letters of reaction from readers, royalty statements, and promotional items.
Please note that correspondents often mention acquaintances or other individuals but will not provide their complete names. When known, the full name is given in parentheses. Also, in the case of the Clarke family, one A.K. Clark signs her name without the 'e' although it is likely that she is a member of the Clarke family. She also cites (her husband?) inconsistently as 'Mr. Clark' or 'Mr. Clarke.' Descriptions for each letter will use the spelling that the correspondent has used.
Consists of 12 folders of correspondence sent and received by Dr. Kober. Correspondence received by him is arranged alphabetically by signee. Correspondence sent by Dr. Kober is arranged chronologically.
Chronological Correspondence.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
This series contains ephemera and other items pertaining to the First World War.
Text by Frank Yerby, music by Fax, 3 pp. Oversized photocopy in GTM Shared Box 7.
Consists of 58 folders containing incoming correspondence received by Lawrence Gilman between 1901 and 1937. The bulk of the letters date between 1933 and 1936. Correspondents include Gilman's fans across the United States and some of his contacts in the music profession. Topics of discussion include Gilman's radio broadcasts and orchestral program notes. Arranged chronologically.
Transcriptions of correspondence received by Rev. Richard C. Law, S.J. from alumni and other former students on active duty with the armed services during World War II.
Including guest lists, and letter responses from Jesuit, diocesan, and religious houses.
This series contains correspondence written between John Monagan and the Powell Family. The majority of the letters are written by Monagan and Violet Powell, but there are a few letters written by Tristram and John Powell. There is one postcard written by Anthony Powell to John Monagan. The correspondence is arranged chronologically.