The John L. Brown Papers 1, consist of 99 folders of correspondence from literary and artistic luminaries, including writers Sylvia Beach, John Dos Passos, Anne Fremantle, Katherine Anne Porter, Alice B. Toklas; philosopher Jacques Maritain; photographer Brassai; poets Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and Giuseppe Ungaretti, and many more. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically.
Correspondence from Lucius Clay to Jean Edward Smith. Arranged chronologically.
Material in this series has been maintained in its provenance and constitutes xerox copies of original correspondence and manuscripts still held by members of the Hopkins family or deposited elsewhere. In the latter case, material is accompanied by typewritten notes by RH indicating provenance and current repository. (Box 6, Folders 8-31) Material is arranged alphabetically by folder title with organization basically reflecting that of the bulk of this collection.
Playbills and performing arts programs collected by Valerie and Kenneth S. Lynn. Primarily from New York and Washington, D.C., especially Kennedy Center.
Letter of Felix Sporanis the visiting representative of General Beckx.
This series contains two boxes of material relating to Africa and LaFarge's involvement with the education of African students in the US.
Typed "stray notes" copied from the notebooks of Father Francis Barnum, who was University Archivist in the early 1900s. Includes notes on Peter Racicot (c. 1887), an order from Father Provincial Peter Verhaegen (1845), and the visit of Father Felix Sopranis (1859).
Letters predominantly from others, such as Frs. Thomas M. Jenkins, Angelo M. Paresce, Felix Ciampi, James Major, Joseph O’Callaghan, and Angelo Secchi as well as Yale chemist Benjamin Silliman, Jr. Topics include travels of the Jesuits, physics, chemistry, horticulture, and the clock tower at St. Aloysius Church. Arranged chronologically.
Ordinationes by Felix Sopranis, SJ, during visit of November 15, 1859 and March 8, 1860
**Former finding aid locations: 119_110; 573:7**
Contains 27 ALS from Beckx to Villiger spanning 11/27/1858 to 2/28/1861. Discussions include promotions in status for Province clergy; dismissal of Frs. McGuigan, Hallinan, and Vetromile 11/5/1859; political participation of Jesuits (declaration of Felix Sopranis, SJ 4/3/1860).
**Former finding aid locations: 119_120_3; II**