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Showing Results: 8601 - 8620 of 9006

1986 Correspondence Ca-Ch., 01/01/1986-06/30/1986

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 84
Identifier: 47413
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.

Dates: 01/01/1986-06/30/1986

"Legend" - Correspondence, Oct. - Dec., 1977; 1978., 10/03/1977-09/25/1978

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 27
Identifier: 48371
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Files relating to Reader's Digest publication of articles and books about the John F. Kennedy assassination and the American intelligence community.

Dates: 10/03/1977-09/25/1978

Page 52., 02/24/1880-02/24/1880

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Identifier: 55822
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

(Folder 3) Contains the third folio of the scrapbook, pp.41-60.

Dates: 02/24/1880-02/24/1880

27 Apr 1841, Jan Philip to Albert., 04/27/1841-04/27/1841

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 97
Identifier: 54402
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence mainly from Jan Philip Roothaan to his family.

Dates: 04/27/1841-04/27/1841

Correspondence 1810: Joseph Causten to Isaac Causten., 08/03/1810-08/03/1810

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Identifier: 58784
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains the correspondence of the Causten family written over a period of fifteen years, relating their experiences as both merchants and sailors.

Dates: 08/03/1810-08/03/1810

Correspondence 1960: Merton to Rice, June 20, 1960., 06/20/1960-06/20/1960

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Identifier: 57906
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains the correspondence between Thomas Merton and Edward Rice for the years 1959-1967.

Dates: 06/20/1960-06/20/1960

Shandelle, Rev. Henry J., SJ: Teaching Notebooks, History and German., 01/01/1899-12/31/1908

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 9
Identifier: 19470
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

There are four notebooks containing notes and lectures for teaching languages and history, from about 1905-1908. There is a small quantity of miscellaneous printed material.

Dates: 01/01/1899-12/31/1908

Kernan, Thomas - Correspondence to Julie., 01/01/1924-05/31/1975

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 65
Identifier: 56105
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

(Box 1, Folders 59-75) Contains correspondence generated and received by Julie and Thomas Kernan. Of interest is that of Thomas Kernan to Julie and the Kernan family during the war years in France and his internment for thirteen months at Lourdes and Baden Baden during the Nazi occupation of France from November 1942.

Dates: 01/01/1924-05/31/1975

Little Brothers of Jesus - Correspondence., 01/06/1955-10/06/1973

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 81
Identifier: 56121
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

(Box 1, Folders 76-84; Box 2, Folders 1-15) Contains files maintained by Julie and Thomas Kernan pertaining to various associations and publishers. Arrangement is alphabetical by association name, with correspondence preceding other material.

Dates: 01/06/1955-10/06/1973

Guestier to Lafosse, 7 Jan 1792., 01/07/1792-01/07/1792

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 46
Identifier: 48155
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The Michel Marsaudon Papers primarily consist of correspondence to the young French merchant Michel Marsaudon trading in various ports in Haiti during the Haitian and French Revolutions. Also included are documents relating to Marsaudon's brief service in the artillery corps of his native Bordeaux, as well as other correspondence, official documents and receipts mostly relating to trade and society in Haiti in the early 1790's. The collection is arranged in 104 folders in one box....
Dates: 01/07/1792-01/07/1792

Corresp. 5/1979., 05/16/1979-05/31/1979

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 9
Identifier: 98708
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Chronological Correspondence. Arranged chronologically.

Dates: 05/16/1979-05/31/1979

Hilaire Belloc to Dorothy Hamilton., 09/06/1905-09/06/1905

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 17
Identifier: GAMMS444.1.17
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Correspondence from Hilaire Belloc to Dorothy Hamilton

Dates: 09/06/1905-09/06/1905

"Camoens a New Bedford," etc., 01/01/1945-12/31/1958

 File — Box: 98, Folder: 13
Identifier: GAMMS406.1.79
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Printed Articles. The first set of articles appears chronologically. The second set of articles is arranged alphabetically.

Dates: 01/01/1945-12/31/1958

December 15., 12/15/1980-12/15/1987

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 53
Identifier: 88166
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

The forty-seven letters from Janetta Warre to Pierre Leroy S.J. are arranged by location. The series begins with correspondence written at the Windmillhouse, Barrowden, continues with the that written at Morvich in Rogart and letters written while travelling. Within each category, the correspondence is arranged in chronological order. At the end of the series are undated letters written from unknown locations.

Dates: 12/15/1980-12/15/1987

A. Rosina Head., 08/13/1982-09/23/1982

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 70
Identifier: 88183
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

The bulk of this series consists of correspondence written to Janetta Warre while preparing the Teilhard de Chardin Centenary Exhibition in London and Edinburgh in 1982 and 1983.

Dates: 08/13/1982-09/23/1982

Margaret Kinnaird., 12/14/1983-04/30/1985

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 73
Identifier: 88186
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

The bulk of this series consists of correspondence written to Janetta Warre while preparing the Teilhard de Chardin Centenary Exhibition in London and Edinburgh in 1982 and 1983.

Dates: 12/14/1983-04/30/1985

Barry, James C., Jr. - Correspondence., 11/27/1934-12/27/1948

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 9
Identifier: 41743
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

(Box 1, Folders 1-30; Box 2, Folders 1-28) This series consists of files on individuals associated with Philip Barry and his work (including family members). Material includes correspondence, newsclippings, photographs, and any other items concerning the individual. Arrangement is alphabetical by name.

Dates: 11/27/1934-12/27/1948

October 19, 1834 - October 25, 1834., 10/19/1834-10/25/1834

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 19
Identifier: 76906
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The journal of James Percy Brown documents the life of a wealthy young American living in Paris from 1834-1835 during the reign of Louis Philippe.

Dates: 10/19/1834-10/25/1834

Walter Shewring to Gina Thompson., 11/24/1986-11/24/1986

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Identifier: 68720
Collection-level Scope and Content Note From the Collection: This collection consists of 15 letters, 13 of which were written by Walter Shewring, sent to Gina Thompson (Colby) between 1986 and 1990. The collection is contained in 15 folders and 1 box which is 0.25 linear feet in size. As an American student studying at Oxford University, Gina Thompson met and befriended the classics scholar Shewring in 1986. At the time, Shewring was doing private research in the Bodleian, and Thompson was taking a cultural course from Oxford with a group of students...
Dates: 11/24/1986-11/24/1986

Claude Riviere -Inscription to Kluge., 04/01/1968-05/30/1968

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 19
Identifier: 47997
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series consists of background information provided by Constantin Kluge on his acquaintance with Teilhard de Chardin and his circle, in particular, Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere.

Dates: 04/01/1968-05/30/1968

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 7390
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1258
Georgetown University Rare Books 180
Georgetown University Archives 137
Bioethics Research Library Archives 8
Archival Object 8784
Collection 177
Person 27
Digital Record 11
Organization 3
∨ more  
Jesuits 14
British literature 11
American Literature 10
World War, 1939-1945 9
Catholicism 8
∨ more
Literature 7
Theosophy 7
Diplomacy 6
Authors 5
Catholic literature 5
Catholics -- Religious identity 5
Correspondence 5
Music (physical format/genre) 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Women's and Gender Studies 5
American history and government 4
Journalism 4
Panama Canal (Panama) 4
Poetry 4
Art 3
Catholic Church 3
Catholic History 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Philosophers -- France 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
African American composers 2
African American musicians 2
British History -- 19th century 2
China 2
Cold War 2
English Literature 2
Film 2
Germany 2
International Relations -- United States 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Theology 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Music by African American composers 2
Panama 2
Photographs 2
Photography 2
Political Science 2
Scrapbooks 2
Slavery 2
Student Groups 2
Theater -- 20th century 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 2
African American singers 1
African American women composers 1
Alliance for Progress 1
American history 1
Anthropology 1
Anti-imperialist movements 1
Antisemitism 1
Archaeology 1
Art Collection 1
Art criticism 1
Baltimore, Maryland, History 1
Belgium 1
Benedictine monasteries 1
Bibliography 1
Brazil 1
British Broadcasting Company 1
British History 1
Catholic Church -- Czechoslovakia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 20th Century 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic Church -- Relations 1
Catholic Church -- Yugoslavia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church--Missions 1
Catholic women 1
Children's literature -- Periodicals 1
Chinese rites 1
Christian -- Unity 1
Christian Union -- Congresses 1
Church History -- 19th century 1
Church music -- Catholic Church 1
Church records and registers 1
Classics Dept. 1
Colonies 1
Commonplace books 1
Communism 1
Composers 1
Composers -- 20th century 1
Devotional Societies 1
Diaries 1
District of Columbia, History 1
Economics 1
Espionage 1
Ethics 1
Fadner, Frank L., S.J. 1
France 1
French poetry -- 18th century 1
Georgetown College 1
History, 20th century 1
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 1
Intelligence -- United States 1
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 2059
English 1374
Latin 337
French 222
French 32
∨ more  
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 12
Jesuits. Maryland Province 10
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 4
∨ more
de Augustinis, Emilio 4
Maas, Anthony, Fr., S.J., Provincial 3
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 3
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 3
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Barbor, Dave 2
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz, 1866-1942 2
Lʹvov, Alekseĭ Fedorovich, 1798-1870 2
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912 2
Roothaan, Jan, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2
Verde, Alexander 2
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 2
de Boynes, Norbert, Very Reverend, S.J., Visitor 2
de la Motte, Georgio, P. 2
Alexius, Brother, C.F.X. 1
American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1
Arabian American Oil Company 1
Ashby, James, 1714-1767 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Azarias, Brother 1
Bacon, Robert Low, 1884-1938 1
Bacon, Virginia Murray, 1890-1980 1
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910 1
Barry, Philip, 1896-1949 1
Beadnall, James 1718-1772 1
Becker, James B., Rev. 1
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 1
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Bensky, Roger-Daniel 1
Boarman, Sylvester, 1746-1811 1
Boieldieu, A. (Adrien), 1775-1834 1
Bolton, John, 1742-1809 1
Borchgrave, Arnaud 1
Brady, Robert W., S.J., Fr. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brown, John L. (John Lackey), 1914-2002 1
Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 1
Calvo, Esther Neira de, 1890-1978 1
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Colour of Music Festival 1
Cooney, F. 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Cosme, Marie-Therese 1
Crewe, Frances Anne, 1748-1818 1
Crocker, Ethel Mary, 1891–1964 1
Crown, John R., -1982 1
De Luca, Ferdinand, 1828-1889 1
De Sylva, B. G. (Buddy Gard), 1896-1950 1
Diderich, Bernard, 1726-1793 1
Duran, Leopoldo 1
Falla, Manuel de, 1876-1946 1
Fields, Herbert, 1897-1958 1
Fitzgerald, John, -1799 1
Fitzgerald, John, F. 1
Flotow, Friedrich von, 1812-1883 1
Gabriel, Henry A., S.J. 1
Gallery of Living Catholic Authors 1
Georgetown University 1
Gibbons, Jacob, S.J. 1
Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 1
Healy, Hugh S., S.J. 1
Healy, Patrick Francis, 1830-1910 1
Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980 1
Hitchcock, Pat 1
Hristić, Annie, 1885-1977 1
Hughes, Thomas, 1849-1939 1
Hurley, John F. (John Fidelis) 1
Iturbide, Agustín de, 1783-1824 1
Jesuits 1
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 1
Kinsella, F. 1
Lagae, F. 1
Lamont, Rosette C. 1
Livers, Arnold, 1734-1767 1
Lopez, Jose Antonio, 1779-1841 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Lussier, F. 1
Mac Mahon, W., S.J., Subst.Secr 1
Mannion, Gerard, 1970-2019 1
Martin, Ludovicus (Luis), V.R.P., S.J., General 1
Maynard, Theodore, 1890-1956 1
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 1
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847 1
Merino, S.J., P. 1
Merry del Val, R. Card. 1
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 1791-1864 1
Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 1
Morris, Leland B., 1886-1950 1
∧ less