Series 3 contains correspondence, mostly to Robert Fergusson, a tobacco merchant in Port Tobacco, Maryland. Correspondents include merchant James Brown, Maryland tobacco merchant Alexander Hamilton, Dumfries [Virginia] merchant George Gray, Virginia merchant Alexander Henderson, and others. Discussion of business matters. A few of the letters were sent from Scotland. Documents date 1717-1810. Arranged chronologically in forty-seven (47) folders.
Correspondence of Frederick and Maria Shrady. This is the only series in the collection.
Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
This collection only has one series.
A presumably unpublished manuscript comparing the thought of Jacques Maritain, Christopher Dawson, and Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc.
Contains correspondence (1954-1993) sent from various individuals to William H. Natcher. Much of the correspondence in 1973-1974 documents some of the public's reaction to the Watergate scandal. Included is correspondence from some of Natcher's Kentucky constituents, various companies, many interest groups, and officials at Western Kentucky University. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by year.
Photocopies of two typed letters in English from Pierre Teilhard to dated January 9 and May 24, 1954 regarding the Dawson, Smith-Woodward scandal.
(Box 1, Folders 1-85; Box 2, Folders 1-33) This series consists of chronologically arranged correspondence received by Ambassador Wilson. Letters for each year are in alphabetical order. Most include copies of replies from the ambassador. @ Note: All correspondents are listed in the description sections of this finding aid. However, only those names that have been asterisked appear in the index.
Correspondence written by Michael and Paul Richey to their parents, George and Adelaide Richey. Correspondence written by George Richey to his wife, Adelaide. Also includes photographs, manuscripts, and other correspondence.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.
Theses on Grace