Manuscripts and correspondence files pertaining to 'Moon Gaffney' by Harry Sylvester.
Musical setting for a poem by Countee Cullen. Sketches and drafts (box 15). Sketches and notes on copies of the poem (box 26).
Soprano and string orchestra. Also titled "Five Epitaphs", poems by Countee Cullen to music by Noel Da Costa: For a Poet; For My Grandmother; For Paul Laurence Dunbar; For a Lady I know; and If You Should Go. Includes finished drafts on vellum, parts and full score, with copies (boxes 5 & 6). Bound copy and additional copies (boxes 17 & 19).
Including guest lists, and letter responses from Jesuit, diocesan, and religious houses.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, and contains play programs, photos, and negatives.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, membership rolls, and contains event programs and photos.