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Showing Results: 4021 - 4040 of 4122

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (37 of 83), 1850-01-02-1850-05-04

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 17
Identifier: 119_72_4
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: F.X. Nussbaum, SJ on difficulties in the Ordo 1/6/1850; Early on opening of church at Norwich, CT, charter for Holy Cross 1/8/1850; 2 from Vetromile complaining of Power 1/10 & 5/4/1850; Stonestreet on accreditation of St. John's by Assembly of Maryland 1/19/1850; H.M. Jamison on purchase of property in Wheeling, Gov. Johnson of LA's debt to Society 1/22/1850; Dietz on expulsions from Georgetown, Wheeling property 1/25/1850; Bro. Jos. Bartholome asking for...
Dates: 1850-01-02-1850-05-04

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (44 of 83), 1850-08-02-1850-08-16

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_71_11
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: 2 from Stonestreet on status of St. John's, Frederick, improvement in Dzierozynski's health, wheat sales 8/2 & 3/1850, 2 on same, Black sodality 8/9 & 13/1850; Sopranis reporting on Tertians at Frederick Novitiate 8/3/1850; Aiken on anti-Catholic prejudice in Jonesboro, TN, congregation at Whytheville 8/3/1850; G. King on consecration of Elkton church 8/5/1850; Pallhuber on status of German congregation in Richmond 8/10/1850, on same 8/11/1850,...
Dates: 1850-08-02-1850-08-16

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (45 of 83), 1850-08-16-1850-12-16

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 4
Identifier: 119_71_12
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: 3 from Stonestreet on misc., Dzierozynski's deteriorating health 8/16, 19/1850; Dietz on cholera epidemic in Wheeling 8/17/1850; Henry Moore on wish of Wheeling congregation to retain Dietz 8/17/1850; De Smet on cholera epidemic in St. Louis, recall of Anderledy to Europe 8/17/1850; Vetromile on dedication of Pomfret church 8/20/1850; Woodley on mission support of priests 8/24/1850; Bp Whelan regretting removal of Dietz, future of Wheeling 8/26/1850; 2 from T....
Dates: 1850-08-16-1850-12-16

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (50 of 83), 1851-01-02-1851-02-27

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_72_23
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Early on postponement of Fr. Gillespie's trial, misc. 1/2/1851, on Bro. Finegan's unauthorized travel to Lowell 1/4/1851, on acquittal of Gillespie, Jubilees at Norwich and New London 2/27/1851; 4 from Pallhuber on Bp's plan to build Cathedral in Richmond, sell old church to German congregation, rumors of Rev. O'Brien's excommunication 1/2, 12, 19, & 25/1851, on debt, need for lower school 2/19/1851; Maraschi on misc. 1/7/1851; Bp Fitzpatrick on misc....
Dates: 1851-01-02-1851-02-27

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (56 of 83), 1851-05-01-1851-05-31

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 15
Identifier: 119_72_21
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Rev. P. Reilly offering St. Mary's College, Wilmington, DE 5/1/1851; 2 from Matthew Sanders, SJ on leaving White Marsh for Upper Marlboro 5/1 & 6/1851; 4 from Pallhuber on plans for Richmond church, opening of Sunday school, advice to buy lot 5/15, 16, 25, & 31/1851; Early on burial of Wm. Logan, SJ, Bp Kenrick's possible succession as Abp 5/20/1851; Lancaster advising dismissal of Bro. Wooten 5/27/1851. Also includes ALS: 2 from Enders to S. Barber on...
Dates: 1851-05-01-1851-05-31

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (61 of 83), 1851-10-03-1851-10-17

 File — Box: 13, Folder: 20
Identifier: 119_72_15
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: John De Wolf, SJ on improvements at Holy Cross 10/3/1851; 3 from Antonio Maraschi on misc. at Holy Cross 10/7, 11, & 14/1851; 2 from Ciampi on desire of Bro. Cavanaugh to leave Society to join Trappists 10/11 & 13/1851; 2 from Clarke on opening of college in Baltimore, debts of St. Joseph's, Baltimore 10/13 & 17/1851; Barbelin on St. Joseph's student Sodality 10/16/1851; Ryder on misc. at St. Joseph's, Philadelphia 10/16/1851. Also includes ALS: from...
Dates: 1851-10-03-1851-10-17

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (62 of 83), 1851-10-20-1851-11-25

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 1
Identifier: 119_72_16
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Wm. Murphy, SJ on accomplishments of Missouri mission, death of Elet 10/20/1851; 2 from S. Barber on sale of Washington Seminary Villa for Army Asylum, policy on watch ownership 10/23 & 28/1851; 2 from Ciampi on Cavanaugh 10/24 & 31/1850; Barbelin on work overload at St. Joseph's, Philadelphia 10/27/1851; Abp Kenrick proposing George Carrel, SJ as candidate for Bp of Philadelphia 10/29/1851; B. Villiger on state of St. Joseph's, Philadelphia 10/29/1851;...
Dates: 1851-10-20-1851-11-25

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (66 of 83), 1852-01-02-1852-07-03

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_73_22
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Bro. Richard Wooton general complaints against White Marsh management (undated); G. Gerard asking to be received into Society 1/2, 2/5, & 3/1/1852; 2 from Ciampi on Finegan's dismissal, misc. at Holy Cross 1/5 & 14/1852 (includes photocopy of second letter); B. Villiger on personnel matters at St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia 1/6/1852; J. Bauermeister, SJ on returning to Europe 1/6/1852; Barbelin on unavailability of oil stocks in Philadelphia, need...
Dates: 1852-01-02-1852-07-03

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (71 of 83), 1852-01-15-1852-01-27

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_73_23
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: McElroy on St. Mary's, Boston, fructus spiritualis of 1851, thwarted sale of Leverett St., Boston, property 1/15/1852; Eck on Society charge of German congregation in Boston 1/17/1852; B. Villiger on misc., reopening of Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, as German church 1/17/1852; Bixio with complaints against Finotti's regime in Alexandria, esp. increase of debt 1/20/1852; Ciampi on misc. 1/20, 25, & 27/1852; Finotti on unsuccessful claim to Reid estate in...
Dates: 1852-01-15-1852-01-27

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (77 of 83), 1852-03-13-1852-03-31

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 16
Identifier: 119_73_19
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Polk asking power of attorney 3/13/1852; 2 from B. Villiger on obtaining personnel for St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia from Frederick 3/14 & 21/1852, on same 3/21/1852; from Wiget on cancellation of retreat 3/14/1852; Enders on reduction of plan for church at Gettysburg 3/15/1852; Sr. Mary Angela Harrison on arranging retreat 3/24/1852; Barbelin on progress of Catholic schools in Philadelphia 3/25/1852; Clarke advising purchase of Carmelite property in...
Dates: 1852-03-13-1852-03-31

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (78 of 83), 1852-04-03-1852-04-28

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 17
Identifier: 119_73_16
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Aschwanden from: 3 from Barbelin on misc., progress of parochial schools in Philadelphia 4/?, 21, & 28/1852 refusing Finotti 4/5/1852, regretting Finotti's assignment there 4/8/1852; Eck on Redemptorists' city churches Apr 1852, on misc., including praise for Brocard, status of German church in Boston 4/6/1852; 3 from Paresce on misc., Finotti's departure 4/4, 6, & 10/1852; B. Villiger refusing Finotti 4/5/1852; 2 from Ciampi in praise of Brocard, encouragement to...
Dates: 1852-04-03-1852-04-28

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. (5 of 82), 1855-01-02-1855-12-18

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_75_14
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Wiget on releasing servants, church debts 1/9/1855, on lecture of Rev. John Donelan at Port Tobacco 1/31 & 2/7/1855, on Brothers at St. Thomas 1/10 & 16/1855, on collecting back pew rents at Pomfret, on Donelan incident 3/14/1855, on school discipline and misc. 6/29 & 8/11/1855, on Woodley's going to Norfolk 8/21/1855, on school teachers and discipline 9/3/1855, school enrollment 9/13/1855, on upcoming exhibition, tuition fees, clergy at Newport,...
Dates: 1855-01-02-1855-12-18

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Boston (17 of 82), 1853-02-25-1853-08-03

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 15
Identifier: 119_74_13
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Eck on purchase of property for new church 2/25/1853, on request for financial statement 4/12/1853, on converts, confirmation, Sodality 5/29 & 6/7/1853, on Bapst in Maine, misc. 7/5/1853; McElroy on plan to purchase old jail property on Leverett St. in Boston 2/26/1853, on closing on purchase of Leverett St. lot, availability of Shaw legacy to pay for purchase 3/8/1853, description of lot, purchase of lot on Lancaster St. 3/14/1853, details of lot...
Dates: 1853-02-25-1853-08-03

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Boston (18 of 82), 1853-07-25-1853-12-29

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 16
Identifier: 119_74_14
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Bp Fitzpatrick asking to have Fr. Welsh visit father in Boston 7/25/1853; McElroy on not sending Welsh to Boston 8/12/1853, answering complaints 11/4 & 17/1853; Eck on visit of Papal Nuncio 9/2/1853, on same 9/28/1853, complaining of Bishops' behavior 10/17/1853, on tensions between See and Society in Boston 11/3 & 9/1853, asking N. Steinbacher's removal 12/2 & 9/1853, on same 12/14/1853 (includes Bp Fitzpatrick's letter on same); Edward H....
Dates: 1853-07-25-1853-12-29

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Boston (25 of 82), 1858-01-04-1858-12-28

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 23
Identifier: 119_76_6
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: McElroy on plans for going South Jan 1858, on excavations for Boston College 4/20/1858; Wiget on increase in Sodality Jan 1858, on same, Feb 1858, complaints of McElroy's restrictions on Sodality Mar 1858. Also includes ALS from Janalik to McElroy on disorder in St. Mary's 2/15/1858; ALS from Stonestreet to Cattani on misc. 2/23/1858; from Stonestreet announcing B. Villiger as successor 4/25/1858; from Wiget to B. Villiger on sodality Jul & Aug 1858,...
Dates: 1858-01-04-1858-12-28

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Boston, St. Mary's (28 of 82), 1857-07-01-1857-12-08

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_76_15
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: McElroy on prospects for lot purchases, request to leave St. Mary's 7/1/1857, short autobiography, Harrison Ave. property 7/21/1857, on remaining as Superior at St. Mary's during construction of church and college 8/13/1857, restrictions on deed Aug 1857, with name for Boston College, opposition of Bp and clergy Sept 1857, on retreats in NY, answering charges of harshness, estimates of carpentry on College construction, Wiget's expenses 10/18, 11/4, &...
Dates: 1857-07-01-1857-12-08

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Frederick (39 of 82), 1856-01-07-1856-12-14

 File — Box: 16, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_75_30
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Paresce on misc. 1/7/1856, on production of and errors in Province catalogue 1/20/1856, on food relief for poor 1/21/1856, on conversions 1/23/1856, on retreat, Fr. Sourin's translation of Fr. General's circular 2/12/1856, on damage claims of Bro. Nipper 2/18/1856, Sourin called to Baltimore to testify in suit 2/28/1856, Sourin to give retreat 3/17/1856, on novices sent from colleges 4/17/1856, on misc. 6/11/1856, sending beads 6/18/1856, on misc. 6/28/1856,...
Dates: 1856-01-07-1856-12-14

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Maine (52 of 82), 1855-01-13-1855-12-27

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_75_19
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Bapst on misc. personnel matters, purchase of Bangor lot, recommendation that Eastport separate from Bangor mission 1/13/1855, on poor state of Bangor, prospect for future of Maine mission 2/10/1855, on overwork 4/8/1855, on debts on Bangor church 5/24/1855, complaining of Vetromile 7/20/1855, on Ciampi as teacher 8/7/1855, asking that Ciampi not be removed from Maine 8/27/1855; Bapst and Pacciarini on shortage of male servants 3/20 & 21/1855; Pacciarini...
Dates: 1855-01-13-1855-12-27

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Maine (54 of 82), 1857-01-17-1857-12-17

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 7
Identifier: 119_76_12
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Bapst on completion of new church at Bangor 1/17/1857, misc. 3/24/1857, complaints against Vetromile 6/19 & 8/14/1857, more complaints against Vetromile, request for reassignment 12/17/1857; Vetromile on Indian catechism in Micmac language 4/14/1857, on book written about mission 5/1/1857, on not visiting Micmacs in Nova Scotia 7/6/1857, attributing debt to lumber failure 9/1/1857, asking permission to publish "other Indian book" 11/19/1857; E. Mueller...
Dates: 1857-01-17-1857-12-17

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Maine (56 of 82), 1854-02-10-1854-12-17

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_74_30
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Bapst on state of different missions in Maine, troubles with Protestants in Ellsworth 2/10/1854, on purchase of lot in Ellsworth, personnel matters 5/4/1854, on keeping Maine missions, wish for new church in Bangor, clergy shortage 9/3/1854, on clergy shortage, Know-Nothings' electoral victory 9/20/1854, trouble with Protestants in Bangor, defending self from criticisms 10/19/1854; Moore on misc. 2/15/1854, asking to have Bapst stay at Bangor, wish to travel...
Dates: 1854-02-10-1854-12-17

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 3424
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 404
Georgetown University Archives 191
Georgetown University Rare Books 47
Bioethics Research Library Archives 28
Archival Object 3840
Collection 185
Digital Record 69
Subject 24
Organization 2
∨ more
Person 2
∧ less
Church records and registers 37
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 26
Catholic Church 22
Slavery 19
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Houses 14
∨ more
British literature 13
Catholicism 9
Catholic History 7
Catholic literature 7
Journalism 7
Composers -- 20th century 6
Correspondence 6
Jesuits 6
Music by African American composers 6
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 5
African American composers 5
African American musicians 5
Church music 5
Diaries 5
Medical ethics 5
American Literature 4
Bioethics 4
Catholics -- Religious identity 4
Music (physical format/genre) 4
Organists 4
Art 3
Bioethics -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church 3
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 3
Church History -- 19th century 3
Diplomacy 3
Euthanasia -- Moral and ethical aspects 3
Genetics -- Moral and ethical aspects 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Priests 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Provincials 3
Photograph albums 3
Photographs 3
Terminal care -- Moral and ethical aspects 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 3
Women's and Gender Studies 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
AIDS (Disease) -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
American history 2
Anniversaries 2
Authors 2
British History -- 19th century 2
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 20th Century 2
Catholic authors 2
Diplomacy -- 20th century 2
Ethics 2
Georgetown (The Area) 2
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) 2
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) -- History 2
Gonzaga College High School 2
Human experimentation in medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Jesuits -- Biography 2
Jesuits -- Education 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Correspondence 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Procurators 2
Jesuits -- Spiritual life 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Medical policy 2
Medicine and the humanities 2
Mexican War, 1846-1848 -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church 2
Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949 2
Peace movements 2
Philosophy 2
Pianists 2
Research -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Scrapbooks 2
Theosophy 2
Vatican City 2
Advance directives (Medical care) 1
African American women composers 1
African Americans -- Colonization -- Liberia 1
African Americans -- Suffrage 1
African Americans -- Washington (D.C.) 1
Animal experimentation -- Moral and ethical aspects 1
Antisemitism 1
Art Collection 1
Assassination -- Investigation 1
Autobiography 1
British Broadcasting Company 1
British History 1
Bush, George W. 1
Camp Blanding (Fla.) 1
Campus Scenes 1
Catholic Church -- Czechoslovakia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church -- Great Britain 1
Catholic Church -- Periodicals 1
Catholic Church -- Relations 1
Catholic Church -- Sermons 1
Catholic Church -- United States -- History 1
Catholic Church -- Yugoslavia -- History-- 20th century 1
Catholic Church--Missions 1
Catholic philanthropists 1
Catholic women 1
Cemeteries 1
China 1
Chinese rites 1
Christian -- Unity 1
∧ less
English 1319
Latin 15
English 9
Multiple languages 9
German 6
∨ more  
Jesuits. Maryland Province 29
Murray, John Courtney, S.J. 7
Kennedy Institute of Ethics 4
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 3
Bioethics Research Library 2
∨ more
Georgetown University 2
Hellegers, André E., 1926-1979 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 2
Parsons, Wilfrid, 1887-1958 2
Terry, Mickey Thomas 2
Walsh, Edmund A. (Edmund Aloysius), 1885-1956 2
Welch, Edward H., 1822-1904 2
American Conference on Religious Movements 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Barber, Virgil, 1782-1847 1
Bellwoar, Vincent I., 1906-1990 1
Bethune, Ade, 1914-2002 1
Bitouzey, Germain Barnabas, 17??-18?? 1
Bordelon, Marvin, 1923-2009 1
Brady, Anna M., 1901-1999 1
Carrel, Alexis, 1873-1944 1
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Cecil, John L. 1
Clark, James, 1809-1885 1
Cleary, William B., 1837-1884 1
Collyer, Robert, 1823-1912 1
Cooper, William B. (William Benjamin), 1920-1993 1
Corbett, John, 1869-1942 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Corrigan, John E. 1
Crawford, Richard R. 1
Crimmins, John D. (John Daniel), 1844-1917 1
Crown, John R., -1982 1
Curran, R. Emmett 1
Da Costa, Noel, 1929-2002 1
Dealy, Patrick F., 1827-1891 1
Devitt, Edward Ignatius, 1840-1920 1
Diderich, Bernard, 1726-1793 1
Dilworth, Thomas 1
Drexel, Katharine Mary, Saint, 1858-1955 1
Dubuisson, Stephen, 1786-1864 1
Duran, Leopoldo 1
Edmund D. Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics 1
Eichhorn, Rudolph J., 1893-1964 1
Emerick, Abraham J., 1856-1931 1
Episcopal Church in Scotland. Clergy 1
Fax, Mark (Mark Oakland Fax), 1911-1974 1
Feiner, William, 1792-1829 1
Fielding, Gabriel, 1916-1986 1
Fitzgerald, John, -1799 1
Fulton, Robert, 1826-1895 1
Georgetown University. Medical Center 1
Gill, Eric, 1882-1940 1
Graves, Andrew, 1904-1995 1
Halpern, Samuel, 1922-2005 1
Hancock, Eugene W. (Eugene Wilson), 1929-1994 1
Hastings Center 1
Healy, Patrick Francis, 1830-1910 1
Helms, Richard 1
Hennessy, Charles J., 1877-1942 1
Hristić, Annie, 1885-1977 1
Hume, Paul, 1915-2001 1
Isenstead, Erich W. (Erich Wolfgang Isenstead), 1918-1994 1
James T. Clements' Sons Funeral Home 1
Jesuits 1
Jones, David, 1895-1974 1
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation 1
Kelly, John, 1802-1866 1
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 1
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 1
Lunn, Arnold, 1888-1974 1
Mannion, Gerard, 1970-2019 1
Marshall, Bruce, 1899-1987 1
Martin, Tonita Ridgway 1
Maryland State Colonization Society 1
McElroy, John, 1782-1877 1
Mudd, Richard Dyer, 1901-2002 1
Murray, Thomas J., 1890-1970 1
National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature 1
Neckere, Francis X. de, 1810-1879 1
Newman, John Henry, Saint, 1801-1890 1
Norman, Ruth, 1927-2007 1
O'Boyle, Patrick, 1896-1987 1
O'Connell, Edward P., 1925-2010 1
O'Mahony, Patrick J. 1
Orazi, Carlo, O.F.M. (Horatii da Castorano, Carolus), 1673-1755 1
Parsons, Robert A., 1892-1968 1
Pellegrino, Edmund D., 1920-2013 1
Petitjean, Gwen, 1926-2021 1
Pise, Charles Constantine, 1801-1866 1
Quigley, Martin, 1890-1964 1
Rotta, Angelo, 1872-1965 1
Strong, Augustus Hopkins, 1836-1921 1
Strong, Charles Augustus, 1862-1940 1
Struthers, Jeannie Gourley, 1844-1928 1
Sylvester, Harry, 1908-1993 1
Theological Studies Journal 1
Thébaud, Augustus J., 1807-1885 1
Ullathorne, William Bernard, 1806-1889 1
∧ less