Philadelphia House Daybook: Includes transactions for St. John's the Evangelist Church and St. Joseph's College
**Former finding aid locations: 119_54_3; 183A**
Land records:
Map and survey (1898) of Bohemia church lot, cemetery and farm.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_30_2; 103M1**
Land and legal records: Copy of Depositions of Samuel Lilly, S.J., and Joseph Sneeringer; Draught of tract of Joseph McKinney land (1760); Map and survey (1805) of Conewago church lands; Survey (1805) of Conewago by Moses McLean (3 copies); Map and survey of Conewago Chapel Farm (1842) by John L. Gubernator; Survey, giving courses and noting grants.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_32_2; 104S0-104S4**
Land and legal records, including news clips: Copy of Indenture (1909) between Joseph Zwinge, S.J., and James I. Devine; Draught of lot of woodland in Paradise; Letter (June 30, 1843) to the Editor of the "Catholic Herald"; Memo pertains to Paradise church property.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_33_3; 105M-105P2**
Contains 3 ALS from T. Lilly on St. Inigoes Jubilee, building of St. George's Church, permission to visit Conewago 3/5, 7/30, & 10/17/1852.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_73_6; 220F1-220F3**
Contains ALS from Dietz to Curley on events at White Marsh, including spiritual works, difficulty in rent collection, rebuilding of church 8/7/1854. Also includes ALS from G. King to Stonestreet on expense problems 1/23/1854.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_74_19; 222E**
Contains ALS from Bapst to B. Villiger on Vetromile's book of Indian prayers 7/27/1858; petition of the women of Bangor church asking not to have Bapst removed (after Aug 1858). With long list of names attached.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_5; 225L1-225L3**
Alexandria: St. Mary's Church, Catalog of Books, circa 1848
**Former finding aid locations: 119_20_6; 56Y2**
Accounts (1850-1853); Church repairs account (1856-1857); House Expense and Receipts Journal (1857-1860); loose papers (1863-1872)
**Former finding aid locations: 119.1_79; 178**
Alexandria: St. Mary's Church Donor book
**Former finding aid locations: 119_20_5; 58Y1**
Three letters of James Lucas, S.J., to Stephen Dubuisson, S.J. (July-Aug., 1834) that note debts of the church, including discussion of pew rents and grave lots in the College Burial Ground; Note (1832) from James Whitfield, Archbishop of Baltimore, concerns fine imposed on an individual married by dispensation; Letter (Feb. 11, 1833) from Archbishop Whitfield requesting fee for marriage dispensation.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_9_7; 57M1-57M1.5**
Documents related to Holy Trinity Church:
"Epistolarium" (1838-41); Hunters of Oregon-Memorial of James M. Bradford and Others [U.S. House of Representatives Document No. 13 (1828)]; Manuscript reminiscences of Joseph Anschwanden, S.J. and Thomas Mulledy, S.J., on their pastoral work in Georgetown, particularly their responses to sick calls.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_11; 57M5-57N2*8
Account records and correspondence related to the collection of pew rents and mass intentions. Includes donations by Black members of the church
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_9; 57M3**
Constitution and By-Laws of hte Young Catholics' Friend Society of Georgetown, D.C. (Trinity Church School House)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_104_4; 555D**
Account books and loose papers related to pew rent collection at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, including record of payments by Black members for pews in the galleries.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_14; 57P1-57P2**
Daybook maintained by Stephen Dubuisson, S.J., at Holy Trinity Catholic Church; entries include receipts for pew rents, the school, and burial grounds (both College Burial Ground and Holy Rood).
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_13; 57N6**
Includes expenses and receipts from St. John's Literary Institution, St. John's Church, St. John's Cemetery, and missions
**Former finding aid locations: 119_53_2; 179**
House monthly and annual financial statements (1879-1895); St. John's Church account with novitiate (1865-1879)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_53_4; 179**