Georgetown: Holy Trinity Church Litterae Annuae, 1900-1910, 1913-1919, 1923-1926, n.d.; Historia domus, 1900-1910, 1913-1919, 1926-1932
**Former finding aid locations: 119_104_3; 555A**
Monthly Bulletin: St. Aloysius' Church and Gonzaga College, January 1922
**Former finding aid locations: 119_20_1; 58B**
Handwritten and typescript drafts of historical articles on the Frederick novitiate, St. John's Church and residence, and the growth of Frederick.
**Former finding aid locations: 53_11_10**
Folder holds a variety of printed material, including Stonestreet, Charles, "Discourse on the Right Revd. Benedict J. Fenwick, D.D." (1846); Frederick calendar, 1911; publications celebrating the 75th anniversary of St. John's Catholic Church (1912); sermons and prayers
**Former finding aid locations: 53_12_4**
Correspondence; Historia Domus, 1920-1929; Annuae Litterae, 1897, 1914-1923; correspondence, 1897; "The Beginnings of Chaptico" typescript manuscript [1914]; newsclippings; pamphlet marking dedication of Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Chaptico' Historia Domus (1914-1917); Historia Domus, 1927-1929, 1933-1934 (loose papers - include descriptions of racially segregated events and festivals)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_101_2; 119.1_40_3; 543E**
Monthly statements showing the receipts and expenses of the Society, Residences, individual churches. Receipts and expenses broken down into the broad categories such as extra stipends, salary, gifts, returns, habit, Loans, extra gifts, etc. Expenses included Food, Laundry, Furniture, Travel, Wages, Entertainment, Repairs, Church Expenses, Schools, Interest, Farm, Diocesan Collection, Fuel, Insurance, Alms, Sundries, etc.
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_50**
Historia Domus, 1927-1932; School Echoes, Little Flower School, 1930-1932; Commencement Program, Little Flower School, 1930; brochure published for dedication of Holy Face Church, Great Mills
**Former finding aid locations: 119_101_5; 546A**
Our Lady's of Medley's Neck Church Announcement Book
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_82_4**
Our Lady's of Medley's Neck Church Announcement Book
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_82_2**
William McSherry, History of Saint Aloysius Church, Littlestown (1893)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_119_8; 574G**
Silver Jubilee St. Joseph's Church, 1902 (pamphlet)
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_38**
St. Mary Congregation, New Castle, PA: anniversary publication, printed 1927 (non-Jesuit church)
**Former finding aid location: 53_2_13**
pamphlet on Sacred Heart of Jesus; list of priests who served at Sacred Heart Church, Conewago, prepared by Robert Parsons; Conewago Chapel Sesqui-centennial, 1721-1937 (pamphlet, 1937); diagram of churches served from Conewago.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_119_2; 574A2-574A3**
St. Peter Catholic Church, Reading, PA booklet
**Former finding aid locations: 119_34_6; 105.5S1**
Baltimore, Loyola College ephemera, including Monthly Journal of St. Ignatius' Church with Notes of Loyola College (April 1911)
**Former finding aid location: 53_16_11**
Baltimore: St. Ignatius Church Sodality Diamond Jubilee
**Former finding aid locations: 119_99_4; 540D**
Boston: "Bona Mors: Devotions for a Happy Death," published by St. Mary's Church, c. 1910
**Former finding aid locations: 119_22.5_2; 70D.1**
This series is comprised of the correspondence relating to Charles Quest's career.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, and contains play programs. Contains a "List of pupils attending the colored school at Granite."