Notes by Fr. Ward in a notebook previously written in by Fr. Francis X. de Neckere on the following of Christ. Fr. Ward's entries include notes on a variety of spiritual topics, sermons, and retreat preludes. Note that Fr. de Neckere's entries occur on the recto side of the first 15 pages only. These materials do not have dates but would have been created after Fr. de Neckere's entry into the Society.
Other spiritual writings: on the method of catechism; the reason for meditation; the presentation of Christ to the Temple; the efficacy of Grace; sin and conscience; reason and man as a credulous creature; and how one's eternal and temporal welfare is reliant on victory over passions. These materials do not have dates but would have been created after Fr. Ward's entry into the Society.
Sermons for the Octave of Epiphany, including "Human Respects" (1849), "Tributes to Christ the King" (1856), "Prudence of the World" (1857), and "The Ways of the Sinner" (1858).
This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.
A series of sermons for the Novena of Grace given during an unknown radio show in March 1949: (1) "Principle and Foundation"; (2) "Penance in the Christian Life"; (3) "The Kingdom"; (4) "Love of Neighbor"; (5) "The Vice of Pride"; (6) "Prayer"; (7) "Bearing the Cross"; (8) "Christ Victim of Sin"; and (9) "Death and Resurrection." Includes scripts.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
Sermons for the Third Sunday of Advent, including "On Penance and the Manner of Practicing it" (1848), "Love Due to Christ" (1852), "On Tepidity" (1856), and "True Happiness" (1856). Also contains two sermons for the Fourth Sunday of Advent entitled "The Holy Sacrafice [sic] of Mass" (1849) and "Penance or Repentance Not Good" (1857).
Sermons for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, also known as Passion Sunday, including "On Prayer" (1840) and "On Faith" (1844). Also contains two sermons for Palm Sunday entitled "Devotion to the Passion of Christ" (1840) and "Mary Magdalen [sic]" (1850).
Two sermons for Easter Sunday entitled "The Resurrection" (1850) and on Mark 16:6 (1860). Also contains sermons for the Octave of Easter: "On Religious Life" (1832), "The Thought of Death" (1852), "The Better Life Which We Ought to Have After Death" (1853), "Spiritual Resurrection" (1856), "Imitation of Christ" (1857), "Obligations of Holy Baptism" (1858), and "Presence of God" (1858).
Sermons for the Second Sunday after Easter, including "Final Perseverance" (1831), "Hope of a Good Death From the Love Which God Has for Us" (1853), "Prayers Not Heard" (1856), "Sin With Respect to the Passion of Christ" (1857), and "Dangerous Occasions" (1858).
Sermons for the Fourth Sunday after Easter, including "The Duties of Our Pilgrimage" (1843), "Upon the Will to Save the Soul" (1850), "The Senses, the World and the Devil" (1856), "The Impatient Afflicted Person" (1857), "Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life" (1858), and "Devotion of Bona Mors" (1858). Also contains one sermon for the Feast of the Ascension: "Sermon on the Ascension of Our Lord" (n.d.).
This series contains material organized alphabetically according to subject.
This series consists of general correspondence belonging to the papers of Wilfrid Parsons, S.J.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.
This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.