The Virgil H. Barber, SJ Papers contain correspondence, notes, a prayer book, and clippings relating to his Jesuit formation, his work in New England missions, and the conversion of his family to Catholicism.
The Mark H. Bauer, SJ Papers contain material related to his Jesuit formation; his graduate work in biology; and honors received throughout his life. Also includes correspondence, photographs, talks, and resumes.
The papers of Charles J. Hennessy, SJ contain two diaries kept intermittently throughout his Jesuit formation at Frederick, Woodstock, and Georgetown College between 1896 and 1907.
One volume with the history and proceedings of the Society which, according to Francis Barnum's Stray Notes, was "merely a burlesque affair gotten up by the Scholastics in 1863. As the name implies it encouraged Bores and Boring. Its Patrons were St. Borgia and Brian Boru . . . discussions were held over the most nonsensical subjects, such as a research on what really constituted the difference between Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee . . ."