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  • keyword(s): (de Sibeud) de St-Ferriol

Showing Results: 13221 - 13240 of 13344

William McSherry, S.J. (16 of 16), 1837-05-03-1837-08-10

 File — Box: 8, Folder: 16
Identifier: 119_66_8
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Grassi to Wm. McSherry on paintings sent to America 5/3/1837; from Grassi to T. Mulledy on paintings 6/5/1837; from Wm. McSherry to McElroy on misc. 6/13/1837, on misc. 7/29/1837; from McElroy to Dzierozynski on construction on unspecified property 7/12/1837; from Grivel to Dzierozynski on misc. including Thomas Finegan, SJ's impending madness 7/15/1837; from Roothaan to McElroy on praise of Province 7/19/1837; from Ryder to Wm. McSherry on events in Philadelphia...
Dates: 1837-05-03-1837-08-10

Thomas Mulledy, S.J. (5 of 10), 1838-07-21-1838-09-30

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 1
Identifier: 119_66_4
Scope and Contents

Contains ALS: from T. Mulledy to McElroy reassigning latter to St. Joseph's, Philadelphia 7/21/1838; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on disposition of former Province enslaved individuals, plans to reestablish Ursuline Convent 9/1/1838; from Wm. McSherry to McElroy on misc. 9/19/1838; from R. Lithgoe to Wm. McSherry letter of introduction, possibility of establishment of college at Pittsburgh 9/30/1838.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_66_4; 212N1-212N4**

Dates: 1838-07-21-1838-09-30

Sacramental Register (2 of 13), 1819 - 1835

 File — Box: 139, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_101_9
Scope and Contents "Register of Marriages (1819-1835); Register of Burials (1819-1832); Register of Baptisms (1819-1834) , including Sacred Heart Church, Medley's Neck, and St. Francis Xavier Church. There are several entries listed for enslaved and free black people, who often are identified merely by first name. Index of Marriages, p. 11 Register of Burials, p. 29 Index of Baptisms, p. 71"**Former finding aid locations: 119_101_9** Materials...
Dates: 1819 - 1835

Sacramental Register (6 of 13), 1842 - 1849

 File — Box: 139, Folder: 7
Identifier: 119_102_1
Scope and Contents

Baptismal records created by Michael Dougherty, S.J., who was stationed at Conewago and Newtown: Baptismal Records: (Paradise) March-July 1843; Baptismal Records (Sacred Heart) June 16, 1844-April 30, 1847; Baptismal Records (St. Joseph's and Sacred Heart) February 16, 1842-April 19, 1847; List of church members, including the servants of parishioners, October 26, 1846

**Former finding aid locations: 119_102_1; 5**

Dates: 1842 - 1849

Sourin, Edward (1 of 2), 1827 - 1875

 File — Box: 179, Folder: 1
Identifier: 119_13_11
Scope and Contents Writings by Edward Sourin and by P. Neale on Edward Sourin (refers to his treatment of "colored sisters").Journal, 1847-1875 [Item transferred from the former Edward J. Sourin, SJ Collection (GTM-GAMMS15), Box 1, Folder 1.]Poem titled "St. Cecilia" by E.J.S. (Sourin) printed in newspaper, September 1944. [Item transferred from the former Edward J. Sourin, SJ Collection (GTM-GAMMS15), Box 1, Folder 3.]**Former finding aid locations: 119_13_11; 18S3-18S4.2;...
Dates: 1827 - 1875

Journals (4 of 15), 1830 - 1840

 File — Box: 184, Folder: 4
Identifier: 119_10_14
Scope and Contents Journals: Vol. V (1830-1833) Frederick; Vol. VI (1840) at Frederick. Vol. V: Ministerial Diary maintained by McElroy that provides a chronological record of his pastoral visits in the area around Frederick. Like House diaries, he notes parish feasts, numbers of congregants, classes taught, activities of other priests, visits from Georgetown College and other missions, including those along the C and O Canal (see especially June-December 1831). Includes records of grades for St....
Dates: 1830 - 1840

Journals (7 of 15), 1841 - 1842

 File — Box: 184, Folder: 7
Identifier: 119_10_15
Scope and Contents Journals: 3. (1841) at Frederick; 4. (1841-1842)3: Ministerial Diary maintained by McElroy that provides a chronological record of his pastoral visits in the area around Frederick. Like House diaries, he notes parish feasts, numbers of congregants, classes taught, activities of other priests, visits from Georgetown College and other missions. The November 7, 1841 entry notes a very large funeral held by the Sisters of St. Joseph for a Black man, Charles, who had lived with...
Dates: 1841 - 1842

Indentures and Slavery (1 of 2), 1737 - 1830

 File — Box: 188, Folder: 11
Identifier: 119_39_6
Scope and Contents "Papers related to the genealogy and St. Mary's County landholdings of the Fenwick family: Items include the following: Genealogy of George Fenwick; Survey of land [Fenwick Manor] on Patuxent River; Receipt (1830) of purchase for enslaved person belonging to George Fenwick, S.J.; Ejectment papers (1797)-Cuthbert Fenwick vs. Lewis Fenwick; Indenture (1737) between Benjamin Tasker and Cuthbert Fenwick; Indenture (1751) between Benjamin Tasker and Samuel Abell."**Former finding aid...
Dates: 1737 - 1830

Deeds and Indentures, 1701 - 1790

 File — Box: 189, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_39_1
Scope and Contents Deed (1784) between John Baptist Dant and Thomas Griffin; Deed (1763) from Mark Griffin Cooper to Philip Griffin for St. Helen's Swamp; Deed (1727) from C. Butler to Cooper & Son; Deed (1702) between William Guyther to Cecil Butler; Deed (1788) of William Guyther to Nicholas Guyther for Pope's Hogg, Pennsylvania; Indenture (1785) between John Baptist Dant and Thomas Griffin; Settlement (1788) between Henry Jarboe and Thomas Griffin; Bond (1791) of Henry Jarboe to Thomas Griffin;...
Dates: 1701 - 1790

Certificates, medals, and plaques, 1950-1985

 File — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 78530
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

Includes certificates and medals, artwork/sketches by Clare Boothe Luce, and printed ephemera.

Dates: 1950-1985

Notebook Poems - 1974., 06/16/1974-06/30/1974

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Identifier: 43101
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains notebook manuscripts of poems by EJ.

Dates: 06/16/1974-06/30/1974

Writings of 1961., 01/01/1961-12/31/1961

 File — Box: 58, Folder: 17
Identifier: 28132
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains manuscripts and published versions of articles and addresses by Fr. LaFarge, arranged chronologically.

Dates: 01/01/1961-12/31/1961

"On the Passion", 1858

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents A set of 17 discourses titled "On the Passion":(1) Conformity of the Will of Jesus to the Will of His Father," (2) Pains and Sorrows of the Soul of Jesus," (3) "On the Afflicted Soul of Jesus," (4) "Christ Judged Does Not Regard the Judgements & Talk of the World," (5) "Silence of Jesus," (6) "The Denial of St. Peter & Despair of Judas," (7) "Resemblance Which the Christian Must have to Suffering Jesus," (8) "Suffering Jesus the Model Proposed to Us as a Model," (9) "Love...
Dates: 1858

Articles by and Addresses of JLF 1954., 01/14/1954-12/07/1954

 File — Box: 44, Folder: 7
Identifier: 27666
Series-level Scope and Content Note From the Series:

This series contains JLF's articles from 1911-1963, arranged chronologically.

Dates: 01/14/1954-12/07/1954

Boone, John, 1763 - 1786

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents Sermons by John Boone, SJ (1735-1795). Entered 1756, served in Maryland 1765-1770, 1784-1795. Woodstock College Archives.(1) 1763. No title. Text: Matthew 22:37, 39. 15 pages. Note at head: "[illegible] Jan: 63 Cob July 22. 68." Note at end: "Chapell-money returned." (2) 1763. No title. Text: John 4:23-24. 20 pages. Note at end: "2. Exhortations to the Nuns upon this subject during lent An. 1763." (3) 1765....
Dates: 1763 - 1786

Hunter, George, 1747 - 1779

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 15
Scope and Contents Sermons by George Hunter, SJ (1713-1779). Entered 1730); served in Maryland 1747-1779. Maryland Province Archives, except when noted.(1) No date. Title: "On the Sd. Heart." Text: Isaiah 12:3. 4 pages. Imperfect: incomplete at end. Woodstock College Archives. (2) No date. Title: "On St Ignatius." Text: Psalm 15:5. 12 pages. Woodstock College Archives. (3) No date. Title: "On Faith" Text: Luke 17:19. 8...
Dates: 1747 - 1779

Christitch to Parsons, 1929-08-02

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 36
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Wilfrid Parsons, SJ Papers 2 consist primarily of letters sent to Parsons, an editor for America, from Annie Christitch. Christitch's letters to Fr. Parsons document in detail the role of Catholicism in Yugoslavia during the 1920s and 1930s. Her letters also touch on the subject of Catholicism in Czechoslovakia during that same period. In her correspondence, Christitch discusses many significant individuals, including King Alexander of Yugoslavia, Antun...
Dates: 1929-08-02

Christitch to Parsons, 1935-04-15

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 98
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Wilfrid Parsons, SJ Papers 2 consist primarily of letters sent to Parsons, an editor for America, from Annie Christitch. Christitch's letters to Fr. Parsons document in detail the role of Catholicism in Yugoslavia during the 1920s and 1930s. Her letters also touch on the subject of Catholicism in Czechoslovakia during that same period. In her correspondence, Christitch discusses many significant individuals, including King Alexander of Yugoslavia, Antun...
Dates: 1935-04-15

Transcriptions, Correspondence, and Newsclippings, 1837 - 1884

 File — Box: 170, Folder: 11
Identifier: 119_3_2
Scope and Contents Items of interest include: Act of Assembly (Mar. 20, 1837) allotting $500 for transcript of Jesuit documents relative to early history of Maryland; printed Oration delivered at the Commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland (1842) by John McCaffrey, S.J. [Pertains to early colonization of Maryland and Virginia as well as 17th Century Jesuit missionaries and English Penal laws against Catholics]; letter (May 4, 1851) from historian Francis Parkman relates work on Native...
Dates: 1837 - 1884

Correspondence, Carroll-Plowden (7 of 7), 1796 - 1799

 File — Box: 171, Folder: 20
Identifier: 119_57_10
Scope and Contents Carroll to Plowden: on hopes for arrival of brief of consecration for L. Neale, death of mother and brother, prospects of restoration of Society 5/23/1796; on continued want of brief for Neale, Washington's address on retirement, lack of entrants for St. Sulpice Seminary, resignation of Robert Plunkett from presidency of Georgetown and replacement by Rev. Louis Dubourg 9/24/1796; on continued lack of response on Neale, schismatic church set up in Philadelphia 7/7/1797; on continued lack of...
Dates: 1796 - 1799

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 10642
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1588
Georgetown University Archives 752
Georgetown University Rare Books 267
Bioethics Research Library Archives 53
Archival Object 12695
Collection 406
Digital Record 200
Person 30
Subject 9
∨ more  
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 29
British literature 25
Slavery 22
Church records and registers 21
Jesuits 20
∨ more
American Literature 17
World War, 1939-1945 15
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Houses 14
Diplomacy 13
Women's and Gender Studies 13
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 12
Music (physical format/genre) 11
Poetry 11
Catholic History 10
Catholic literature 10
Catholicism 10
Correspondence 9
Journalism 9
African American composers 8
Literature 8
Music by African American composers 8
Authors 7
Catholic Church 7
Diaries 7
Jesuits -- Education 7
Theosophy 7
African American musicians 6
Catholics -- Religious identity 6
Composers -- 20th century 6
Panama Canal (Panama) 6
Petroleum industry and trade -- Saudi Arabia 6
Photographs 6
Scrapbooks 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
American history and government 5
Jesuits -- Spiritual life 5
Saudi Arabia 5
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 4
American history 4
Art 4
British History -- 19th century 4
Cold War 4
International Relations -- United States 4
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Priests 4
Jesuits -- Theology 4
Maryland -- History 4
Organists 4
Petroleum industry and trade -- Arab countries 4
Photograph albums 4
Political Science 4
African American women composers 3
British History 3
Church music 3
Diplomacy -- 20th century 3
Economics 3
Film 3
Italy -- History -- 20th century 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Procurators 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Medical ethics 3
Music by African American women composers 3
Panama 3
Philosophers -- France 3
Student Groups 3
American literature -- Catholic authors 2
Autobiography 2
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 2
Catholic women 2
China 2
Church History -- 19th century 2
Dahlgren Chapel 2
English Literature 2
Euthanasia -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) 2
Georgetown College 2
Georgetown University, 1950s 2
Germany 2
Gonzaga College High School 2
Intelligence -- United States 2
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 2
Jesuit universities and colleges 2
Jesuits -- Biography 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Correspondence 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Provincials 2
Jesuits -- Missions 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Medical policy 2
Music -- 20th century 2
Pamphlets 2
Peace movements 2
Performing Arts 2
Philosophy 2
Photography 2
Pianists 2
Sailing 2
Stamp collecting 2
Terminal care -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Theater -- 20th century 2
United States -- Politics and government 2
∧ less
English 2372
Spanish; Castilian 2060
Latin 349
French 227
Latin 54
∨ more  
Jesuits. Maryland Province 54
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 12
Arabian American Oil Company 6
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
∨ more
Murray, John Courtney, S.J. 4
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 4
de Augustinis, Emilio 4
Bolton, John, 1742-1809 3
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 3
Lewis, John, 1721-1788 3
Maas, Anthony, Fr., S.J., Provincial 3
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 3
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 3
Mosley, Joseph, 1731-1787 3
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921 3
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 3
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Barbor, Dave 2
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 2
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 2
Georgetown University 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Heller, Stephen, 1813-1888 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Jesuits 2
Kennedy Institute of Ethics 2
Kilmer, Aline, 1888-1941 2
Kilmer, Kenton, 1909-1995 2
Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz, 1866-1942 2
Lʹvov, Alekseĭ Fedorovich, 1798-1870 2
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912 2
Parsons, Wilfrid, 1887-1958 2
Roothaan, Jan, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Terry, Mickey Thomas 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2
Verde, Alexander 2
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 2
de Boynes, Norbert, Very Reverend, S.J., Visitor 2
de la Motte, Georgio, P. 2
Alexius, Brother, C.F.X. 1
American Conference on Religious Movements 1
American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1
Appleby, John T. (John Tate), 1907-1974 1
Ashby, James, 1714-1767 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Attwood, Peter, 1682-1734 1
Auer, Leopold, 1845-1930 1
Azarias, Brother 1
Bacon, Robert Low, 1884-1938 1
Bacon, Virginia Murray, 1890-1980 1
Bakman, Patrick 1
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910 1
Barber, Virgil, 1782-1847 1
Barry, Philip, 1896-1949 1
Bauer, Mark H., 1912-1986 1
Beadnall, James 1718-1772 1
Becker, James B., Rev. 1
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 1
Beckwith, Albert A., 1909-1983 1
Bellwoar, Vincent I., 1906-1990 1
Bensky, Roger-Daniel 1
Bent, George, 1843-1918 1
Bitouzey, Germain Barnabas, 17??-18?? 1
Blatty, William Peter 1
Boarman, Sylvester, 1746-1811 1
Boieldieu, A. (Adrien), 1775-1834 1
Bonds, Margaret 1
Boone, John, 1735-1795 1
Borchgrave, Arnaud 1
Bordelon, Marvin, 1923-2009 1
Brady, Robert W., S.J., Fr. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brown, John L. (John Lackey), 1914-2002 1
Brunini, John Gilland, 1899- 1
Bunn, Edward B. (Edward Bernard), 1896- 1
Butler, B. W. (Bartholomew W. Butler), 1871-1953 1
Butrick, Richard P., 1894-1997 1
Byrnes, M.J. 1
Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 1
Calvo, Esther Neira de, 1890-1978 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Catholic hour (Radio program) 1
Clark, James, 1809-1885 1
Cleary, William B., 1837-1884 1
Colby, Barbara Heinzen, 1920-2016 1
Colby, William Egan, 1920-1996 1
Colour of Music Festival 1
Coniff, Arthur A., 1901-1977 1
Cooney, F. 1
Cooper, William B. (William Benjamin), 1920-1993 1
Corbett, John, 1869-1942 1
Cordie, Alphonse, 1820-1897 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Cosme, Marie-Therese 1
Coyne, George V., 1933-2020 1
Crewe, Frances Anne, 1748-1818 1
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