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Showing Results: 13201 - 13220 of 13344

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (23 of 83), 1849-01-08-1849-04-01

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_70_22
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Clarke on prospects of building a church at Smyrna 1/8/1849; Dietz on support of Wheeling mission 1/9/1849; Stonestreet on state of St. John's, Frederick 1/12/1849; Early on misc. at Holy Cross 1/15/1849, on same, Hartford, CT mission 1/15/1849; 2 from Elet on misc. 1/19 & 3/9/1849. Also includes ALS: 2 from Brocard to McElroy on misc. 1/8 & 4/1/1849; from T. Helias, SJ to Elet on state of Westphalia mission 1/18/1849; from Stonestreet to G. Fenwick on...
Dates: 1849-01-08-1849-04-01

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (26 of 83), 1849-03-21-1849-08-08

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 6
Identifier: 119_70_19
Scope and Contents

Contains ALS to Brocard from: Nota on dismissal from Society, request to be readmitted (note: letterhead features picture of St. Mary's College, Bardstown, KY) 3/21/1849; Carbery on spread of church in South 3/21/1849; T. Lilly on fundraising for finishing Leonardtown church 3/22/1849; McElroy on misc. 3/26/1849; Early on misc. 3/28/1849; Pacciarini on misc. 3/29/1849; Milesius Gibbons, SJ asking help 3/30/1849.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_70_19; 217R1-217R7**

Dates: 1849-03-21-1849-08-08

Ignatius Brocard, S.J. (29 of 83), 1849-08-01-1849-09-23

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_70_15
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Brocard from: Knackstedt on assignments 8/1/1849, 2 on ill health 8/6 & 9/23/1849; J.M. Jenkins on travel from St. Inigoes and general ill health there 8/2/1849; Thomas Curd on ill health, entering Novitiate 8/2/1849; Elet on prospects of college in Milwaukee, need for clergy in Missouri Province 8/3/1849; John Force SJ on ill health, misc. 8/4/1849; J. Bauermeister asking to buy German-English dictionary 8/5/1849; J. Spicher on assignment to Missouri 8/9/1849; F. McAtee...
Dates: 1849-08-01-1849-09-23

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. (7 of 82), 1857-01-01 - 1857-12-31

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_76_16
Scope and Contents

Contains misc. uncoded ALS from various senders, including Abp John Hughes of NY requesting account of St. Francis Xavier, New York 6/24/1857; from Dietz to Stonestreet on German congregation in Wheeling; to Stonestreet on Fr. King's debts; from Russian government to Stonestreet asking about Dzierozynski's will 1/12/1858; from Lachat to Stonestreet on wish to return to America 8/21/1857.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_16; 225Y1-225Z2**

Dates: 1857-01-01 - 1857-12-31

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Alexandria (12 of 82), 1855-06-13-1855-11-30

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_75_5
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Blox on heavy workload (undated), problems with debts and housekeepers 6/13/1855, advising reassignment of Vigilante 7/7/1855, complaints against G. Villiger 8/18/1855, reply to G. Villiger's letter to Provincial (note: G. Villiger's letter is 223 P4) and complaints of bad investments 9/8/1855, asking substitute for Vigilante 11/24/1855, asking Nota to minister to railroad workers 11/28/1855; Vigilante asking permission for rest at St. Inigoes 7/3/1855,...
Dates: 1855-06-13-1855-11-30

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - New York (59 of 82), 1856 - 1857

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 12
Identifier: 119_77_22
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Tellier to Stonestreet requesting retreat 9/20 & 29/1856, on boarding arrangements for faculty at Fordham 3/7/1863; from J. Larkin, SJ recommendation of candidate for novitiate 11/11/1856; from Murphy on misc., flourishing of Fordham, assignment of Japan to Dutch Province 11/14/1856; from J.B. Hus, SJ to Stonestreet on donation to German Mission in Maryland 12/5/1856, with thanks 12/21/1856, 1/16 & 4/20/1857, on personnel situation 7/26/1858; PRN invitation to St....
Dates: 1856 - 1857

Charles Stonestreet, S.J. - Newtown (61 of 82), 1855-06-21-1855-12-29

 File — Box: 17, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_75_10
Scope and Contents

Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Patrick Creighton, SJ complaining of slander (undated); G. King on Elkton and St. Joseph's debts 6/25/1855, preferring Fr. Miller to Vigilante 12/10/1855, more on debts 12/2 & 29/1855; Power on management of farm 6/21/1855.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_75_10; 223M1-223M7**

Dates: 1855-06-21-1855-12-29

Angelus M. Paresce, S.J. (4 of 33), 1860-08-10-1865-12-21

 File — Box: 19, Folder: 2
Identifier: 119_77_15
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Barbelin to Paresce on misc. 12/29/1863; from Paresce to Cattani on misc. personnel assignments 1/5/1863, sending engraving 1/20/1863, on arrangements for Littlestown and Paradise missions 2/20/1863, a number of ALS on misc.; from Barrister to Cattani on success of Philadelphia mission, mission to army 3/11/1863; from Enders to Cattani on obtaining paintings for St. Joseph's church, Leonardtown, hardships of war 12/17/1863; misc. ALS from Holy Cross College Fathers to...
Dates: 1860-08-10-1865-12-21

Angelus M. Paresce, S.J. - Boston (17 of 33), 1861-05-27-1861-12-18

 File — Box: 19, Folder: 15
Identifier: 119_76_25
Scope and Contents

Contains ALS to Paresce from Barrister on: renovations to St. Mary's residence 5/27/1861, destitution in Boston 8/13/1861, on McElroy's interference in Sodality 9/30/1861, on Sopranis' return to America 11/4/1861, on fair 11/27 & 12/10/1861, on wish to purchase adjacent lot 12/11/1861, on complaints about Lachat 12/18/1861.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_25; 226K1-226K9**

Dates: 1861-05-27-1861-12-18

Angelus M. Paresce, S.J. - Boston (21 of 33), 1862-05-31-1862-12-03

 File — Box: 19, Folder: 19
Identifier: 119_76_22
Scope and Contents Contains ALS to McElroy from Paresce asking retreat 5/31/1862. Also includes ALS to Paresce from: Bapst on receiving a Fr. Mark into Society (undated), on misc. 9/17 & 7/1862, 11/24 & 30/1862, on Scholasticate 9/20 & 10/2/1862; Ardia on being appointed to teach philosophy 9/3/1862; McElroy on Capt. Shurtleff's funeral 8/30/1862, on interest in Church in Boston 11/17/1862, on St. Mary's Sodality 11/20/1862, on problems with Barrister 12/2 & 3/1862; Ciampi on reassignment...
Dates: 1862-05-31-1862-12-03

Maryland-New York Provincials (20 of 26), 1904-09-27-1906-01-30

 File — Box: 23, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_123_8
Scope and Contents Contains communications from Father General. Includes letters re: proposed division of Province 11/4/1904; financial state of Gonzaga College 10/18/1904; proposal for Prepartory School attached to St. Peter's College in Jersey City 12/25/1904; Bishop Gordon of Jamaica and relations between Jesuits and Salesian Fathers 12/15/1904 and 8/12/1905; Father General's continuing illness 3/30/1905, 4/5/1905; Jamaica Mission 5/1/1905; course of study in Province schools, spiritual laxity at Georgetown...
Dates: 1904-09-27-1906-01-30

Maryland-New York Provincials (25 of 26), 1908-07-12-1908-12-15

 File — Box: 24, Folder: 2
Identifier: 119_123_13
Scope and Contents Contains communications from Father General. Includes letters re: Catholic University and Jesuit Scholastics 8/2/1908; locations for move of Woodstock College 7/22/1908, 9/28/1908; drinking of whiskey in Province 8/27/1908; course of study for Scholastics 8/28/1908; account of conversation with Cardinal Gibbons re recommendation that Woodstock College move to Washington 8/28/1908; discontent at St. Ignatius NY 9/28/1908; student liberties 10/20/1908; letter and sketch re plans for new...
Dates: 1908-07-12-1908-12-15

7.1 Individual Priests, 1790 - 1979

Scope and Contents This subseries contains selected, fragmentary papers of individual priests of the Maryland Province. Materials include journals, correspondence, homilies, spiritual exercises, retreat notes, examen, poetical writings, and spiritual writings that were used by members when they were students, or in preparation for teaching. Materials of particular interest include journals kept by Stephen Dubuisson, S.J., while stationed at Holy Trinity Church, Georgetown (1830-1833); a diary of Thomas Lilly,...
Dates: 1790 - 1979

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (13 of 69), 1825-01-11-1825-03-11

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 13
Identifier: 119_61_17
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Bp Conwell to E. Fenwick on Society property in Philadelphia 1/11/1825; from Abp Marechal to Dzierozynski on removal of B. Fenwick from Mt. Carmel 1/12/1825, on same, jurisdiction over clergy transfers 1/25/1825; from Abp Marechal to McElroy on misc. 1/23/1825, on personnel assigments 3/3/1825; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on Bp Edward Fenwick's visit to Emmitsburg 2/17/1825; from F. Neale to Dzierozynski on labor needs of St. Thomas Manor 2/28/1825; from Abp Marechal to...
Dates: 1825-01-11-1825-03-11

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (28 of 69), 1826-06-16-1826-06-30

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 7
Identifier: 119_61_8
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Beschter to Dzierozynski on preaching activities in Baltimore, visit of Bp Fenwick 6/16/1826, on same 6/28/1826, on Marechal's plans to visit Richmond, apptmnt of Dubois as Bp of NY 6/30/1826; from Abp Marechal to McElroy on dispensation 6/23/1826; from Dzierozynski to Beschter on Society successes in Lancaster and Goshenhoppen, disposition of St. George's Island, Barber's successes in New Hampshire 6/24/1826; from Dzierozynski to McElroy on correspondence with Marechal...
Dates: 1826-06-16-1826-06-30

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (30 of 69), 1826-07-29-1826-08-29

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_61_5
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from V. Barber to Dzierozynski on opening of Society school in New England 7/29/1826; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on return of Marechal 7/30/1826, on Marechal's refusal of permission to open church in Marlboro 8/2/1826, on Rev. James Whitfield's purchase of house 8/7/1826, 8/29/1826; to Dzierozynski recommending prospective student 8/2/1826; from James Gartland to Dzierozynski on Hoganites in Philadelphia, Dubois' intention to found college, give Mt. St. Mary's to Sulpicians...
Dates: 1826-07-29-1826-08-29

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (40 of 69), 1827-10-11-1827-10-29

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 19
Identifier: 119_62_9
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from V. Barber to Dzierozynski on debts 10/11/1827; from Abp Marechal to McElroy on sending Grace to Martinsburg 10/11/1827, on clergy needs of Martinsburg 10/27/1827; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on assignments to St. Inigoes, Marechal's ill health 10/11/1827, Marechal's request for catalogue of privileges 10/17/1827, on news that Grassi had been made Cardinal 10/29/1827; from Bp Dubois to Dzierozynski on Schneller's leaving Society 10/15/1827; from F. Neale to Dzierozynski...
Dates: 1827-10-11-1827-10-29

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (49 of 69), 1828-07-01-1828-08-22

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_61_27
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Beschter to Dzierozynski sending legacy 7/1/1828, sending inheritance of Rantzau 7/15/1828, on misc. 7/24/1828; from Bennet B. Simms requesting repair of barn 7/7/1828; from McElroy to Dzierozynski on Abp's intention to visit church at Liberty 7/21/1828, re Seminarians' retreat at Mt. St. Mary's 8/18/1828, on receiving news of Society in Europe 8/22/1828, on unfitness of Fr. Grace 8/20/1828; to Dzierozynski re farm rent Aug 1828.**Former finding aid locations:...
Dates: 1828-07-01-1828-08-22

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (58 of 69), 1829-06-05-1829-06-29

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 12
Identifier: 119_63_5
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Abp Whitfield to Dzierozynski on election of Pius VIII 6/5/1829; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on Feiner's illness and death 6/7 & 10/1829; from Samuel Newton, SJ to Dzierozynski on St. Joseph's (Eastern Shore) debts 6/19/1829; from Bp Dubois to Dzierozynski warning against treacherous bishops, requesting Kohlmann's return to NY to establish Society there 6/21/1829; AMs Dzierozynski's notes on dispute with Bp Brute plus note of Brute asking pardon 6/24/1829; from Beckx...
Dates: 1829-06-05-1829-06-29

William McSherry, S.J. (9 of 16), 1835-02-15-1835-06-24

 File — Box: 8, Folder: 9
Identifier: 119_65_6
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from B. Fenwick to Wm. McSherry on Claremont property 4/22/1835; 5 from Vespre to Dzierozynski on misc. including bill for work at St. Thomas and Cedar Point Neck Apr 1835, 3 on misc. May 1835; from R. Cleary, SJ to G. Fenwick on misc. 5/16/1835; from Dzierozynski to G. Fenwick on improvements to Frederick 6/4/1835; from Vespre to S. Barber on entrants to Novitiate 6/5/1835; from Grivel to Lancaster on death of Lancaster's father 6/10/1835; 2 from McElroy to Dzierozynski on...
Dates: 1835-02-15-1835-06-24

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 10642
Woodstock Theological Center Library Archives 1588
Georgetown University Archives 752
Georgetown University Rare Books 267
Bioethics Research Library Archives 53
Archival Object 12695
Collection 406
Digital Record 200
Person 30
Subject 9
∨ more  
Jesuits -- Maryland Province 29
British literature 25
Slavery 22
Church records and registers 21
Jesuits 20
∨ more
American Literature 17
World War, 1939-1945 15
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Houses 14
Diplomacy 13
Women's and Gender Studies 13
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 12
Music (physical format/genre) 11
Poetry 11
Catholic History 10
Catholic literature 10
Catholicism 10
Correspondence 9
Journalism 9
African American composers 8
Literature 8
Music by African American composers 8
Authors 7
Catholic Church 7
Diaries 7
Jesuits -- Education 7
Theosophy 7
African American musicians 6
Catholics -- Religious identity 6
Composers -- 20th century 6
Panama Canal (Panama) 6
Petroleum industry and trade -- Saudi Arabia 6
Photographs 6
Scrapbooks 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
American history and government 5
Jesuits -- Spiritual life 5
Saudi Arabia 5
Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects 4
American history 4
Art 4
British History -- 19th century 4
Cold War 4
International Relations -- United States 4
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Priests 4
Jesuits -- Theology 4
Maryland -- History 4
Organists 4
Petroleum industry and trade -- Arab countries 4
Photograph albums 4
Political Science 4
African American women composers 3
British History 3
Church music 3
Diplomacy -- 20th century 3
Economics 3
Film 3
Italy -- History -- 20th century 3
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Procurators 3
Jesuits -- Missions -- Philippines 3
Medical ethics 3
Music by African American women composers 3
Panama 3
Philosophers -- France 3
Student Groups 3
American literature -- Catholic authors 2
Autobiography 2
Bioethics -- Study and teaching 2
Catholic women 2
China 2
Church History -- 19th century 2
Dahlgren Chapel 2
English Literature 2
Euthanasia -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) 2
Georgetown College 2
Georgetown University, 1950s 2
Germany 2
Gonzaga College High School 2
Intelligence -- United States 2
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 2
Jesuit universities and colleges 2
Jesuits -- Biography 2
Jesuits -- History 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Correspondence 2
Jesuits -- Maryland Province -- Provincials 2
Jesuits -- Missions 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Assassination 2
Medical policy 2
Music -- 20th century 2
Pamphlets 2
Peace movements 2
Performing Arts 2
Philosophy 2
Photography 2
Pianists 2
Sailing 2
Stamp collecting 2
Terminal care -- Moral and ethical aspects 2
Theater -- 20th century 2
United States -- Politics and government 2
∧ less
English 2372
Spanish; Castilian 2060
Latin 349
French 227
Latin 54
∨ more  
Jesuits. Maryland Province 54
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 12
Arabian American Oil Company 6
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 5
Sarasate, Pablo de, 1844-1908 5
∨ more
Murray, John Courtney, S.J. 4
Wernz, Franz Xavier, R.V.P., S.J., General 4
de Augustinis, Emilio 4
Bolton, John, 1742-1809 3
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 3
Lewis, John, 1721-1788 3
Maas, Anthony, Fr., S.J., Provincial 3
McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982 3
Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 3
Mosley, Joseph, 1731-1787 3
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921 3
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 3
Anderledy, Antonio Maria, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Barbor, Dave 2
Beckx, Pieter, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Campbell, Thos J., S.J. 2
Carroll, John, 1735-1815 2
Georgetown University 2
Hanselman, Josephus, V.R., S.J., Provincial 2
Heller, Stephen, 1813-1888 2
Hughes, Thomas, Fr. 2
Jesuits 2
Kennedy Institute of Ethics 2
Kilmer, Aline, 1888-1941 2
Kilmer, Kenton, 1909-1995 2
Ledóchowski, Włodzimierz, 1866-1942 2
Lʹvov, Alekseĭ Fedorovich, 1798-1870 2
Massenet, Jules, 1842-1912 2
Parsons, Wilfrid, 1887-1958 2
Roothaan, Jan, V.R.P., S.J., General 2
Scheetz, Nicholas B., 1952-2016 2
Terry, Mickey Thomas 2
Toner, F. 2
Van de Moortel, F. 2
Verde, Alexander 2
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 2
de Boynes, Norbert, Very Reverend, S.J., Visitor 2
de la Motte, Georgio, P. 2
Alexius, Brother, C.F.X. 1
American Conference on Religious Movements 1
American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1
Appleby, John T. (John Tate), 1907-1974 1
Ashby, James, 1714-1767 1
Ateneo de Zamboanga 1
Attwood, Peter, 1682-1734 1
Auer, Leopold, 1845-1930 1
Azarias, Brother 1
Bacon, Robert Low, 1884-1938 1
Bacon, Virginia Murray, 1890-1980 1
Bakman, Patrick 1
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910 1
Barber, Virgil, 1782-1847 1
Barry, Philip, 1896-1949 1
Bauer, Mark H., 1912-1986 1
Beadnall, James 1718-1772 1
Becker, James B., Rev. 1
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 1
Beckwith, Albert A., 1909-1983 1
Bellwoar, Vincent I., 1906-1990 1
Bensky, Roger-Daniel 1
Bent, George, 1843-1918 1
Bitouzey, Germain Barnabas, 17??-18?? 1
Blatty, William Peter 1
Boarman, Sylvester, 1746-1811 1
Boieldieu, A. (Adrien), 1775-1834 1
Bonds, Margaret 1
Boone, John, 1735-1795 1
Borchgrave, Arnaud 1
Bordelon, Marvin, 1923-2009 1
Brady, Robert W., S.J., Fr. 1
Brown, Anthony Cave 1
Brown, John L. (John Lackey), 1914-2002 1
Brunini, John Gilland, 1899- 1
Bunn, Edward B. (Edward Bernard), 1896- 1
Butler, B. W. (Bartholomew W. Butler), 1871-1953 1
Butrick, Richard P., 1894-1997 1
Byrnes, M.J. 1
Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 1
Calvo, Esther Neira de, 1890-1978 1
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 1
Catholic hour (Radio program) 1
Clark, James, 1809-1885 1
Cleary, William B., 1837-1884 1
Colby, Barbara Heinzen, 1920-2016 1
Colby, William Egan, 1920-1996 1
Colour of Music Festival 1
Coniff, Arthur A., 1901-1977 1
Cooney, F. 1
Cooper, William B. (William Benjamin), 1920-1993 1
Corbett, John, 1869-1942 1
Cordie, Alphonse, 1820-1897 1
Cormican, P. J. (Patrick J.) 1
Cosme, Marie-Therese 1
Coyne, George V., 1933-2020 1
Crewe, Frances Anne, 1748-1818 1
∧ less