Contains ALS to Brocard from: Nota on dismissal from Society, request to be readmitted (note: letterhead features picture of St. Mary's College, Bardstown, KY) 3/21/1849; Carbery on spread of church in South 3/21/1849; T. Lilly on fundraising for finishing Leonardtown church 3/22/1849; McElroy on misc. 3/26/1849; Early on misc. 3/28/1849; Pacciarini on misc. 3/29/1849; Milesius Gibbons, SJ asking help 3/30/1849.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_70_19; 217R1-217R7**
Contains misc. uncoded ALS from various senders, including Abp John Hughes of NY requesting account of St. Francis Xavier, New York 6/24/1857; from Dietz to Stonestreet on German congregation in Wheeling; to Stonestreet on Fr. King's debts; from Russian government to Stonestreet asking about Dzierozynski's will 1/12/1858; from Lachat to Stonestreet on wish to return to America 8/21/1857.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_16; 225Y1-225Z2**
Contains ALS to Stonestreet from: Patrick Creighton, SJ complaining of slander (undated); G. King on Elkton and St. Joseph's debts 6/25/1855, preferring Fr. Miller to Vigilante 12/10/1855, more on debts 12/2 & 29/1855; Power on management of farm 6/21/1855.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_75_10; 223M1-223M7**
Contains ALS to Paresce from Barrister on: renovations to St. Mary's residence 5/27/1861, destitution in Boston 8/13/1861, on McElroy's interference in Sodality 9/30/1861, on Sopranis' return to America 11/4/1861, on fair 11/27 & 12/10/1861, on wish to purchase adjacent lot 12/11/1861, on complaints about Lachat 12/18/1861.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_76_25; 226K1-226K9**