The St. Albans Press Collection contains pamphlets and other printed items from St. Albans Press, a private printing press operated by Stephen Augustus Hurlbut. The collection focuses primarily on ecclesiastical works, some of which are in Latin. The materials include hymns, poems, and Christmas and Easter cards. One letter from Stephen Augustus Hurlbut to Eric F. Menke is present, too.
The Thomas A. Hughes, SJ Papers consist of unpublished drafts for a proposed third volume of A History of the Society of Jesus in North America, Colonial and Federal covering 1773 to 1829. Also included is a report by Fr. Hughes entitled "de abusibus" ("on abuses"), in which he discusses Jesuit issues with modernism and worldly affairs discovered throughout his research, as well as correspondence related to his research.
School log book of student attendance for St. Mary's Mixed (Catholic) School, Cresswell, Staffordshire, England, beginning June 29, 1863 and ending June 19, 1902. Printed title with autograph entries in various hands. Maintained by the principal teacher. Dealer's note: This log book is particularly interesting as it is for a Catholic school in a community where the local lords of the manor, the Draycotts, refused to accept the Anglican religion at the Reformation.
Printed plan for completing the Panama Canal by J. Revin, dated April 1891 with two sheets of "improvements" dated November 1891. Revin proposes using inclined planes, instead of locks, to complete the canal. Written in French and includes some technical drawings.
The collection contains personal letters, postcards, photographs, signed poetry, and other ephemera sent to Joseph Hassett by the Irish poet Paul Muldoon.
Includes photographs of U.S. President William Howard Taft speaking and “reviewing the Third Sunday Brigade” at St. Aloysius Church in Washington, D.C. Also includes photographs of the Church's interior.
This collection contains a typescript of Fr. John F. Hurley's experiences during the occupation of the Philippines (1941-1945) in which he was held at Santo Tomas Internment Camp. The account was written at the request of Fr. William C. Repetti, then Georgetown University Archivist, in 1964.
Brass plaques from the cannons in front of Healy Hall. Inscription reads: "Brought to Maryland by Lord Baltimore's colony, ca. 1634. Raised from St. Mary's River, 1824. Removed from St. Inigoes to Georgetown College, 1885. Mounted by Col. Georgeown C. Reid, U.S.M.C., 1900."
One undated letter written by John Stuart Mill to an unknown individual.
Certificates of U.S. Department of State consular appointments signed by various U.S. secretaries of state, as well as presidents of U.S. and other countries. Post and date of appointment noted. Arranged by document signatory.