Letters, manuscripts and press clippings by and about British author Antonia White (1899-1980).
The Leo J. Kasun Papers contain materials by and about Ned O'Gorman, a noted Catholic author and educator. The collection includes invitations from O'Gorman for various benefits, a drawing of O'Gorman, art work by O'Gorman, and photographs. Some of the photographs depict O'Gorman, students, and teachers at the Ricardo O'Gorman Garden and School.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collections consist of letters and documents by and about notable individuals in history, literature, religion, government, and other fields. The items in these collections are gifts and purchases.
Complete bound autograph manuscript of an unpublished English translation of Alphonse Cordier's "Madame Elisabeth of France."
Original and photocopied correspondence between Sister Miriam Gallagher, R.S.M.; H.L. Mencken; Odell Shepherd; and others.
The collection contains manuscripts of a number of Appleby's works on English medieval history and other subjects, some related correspondence, and photographs of Suffolk locales (some copies of 19th century prints). It also includes photographic copies of medieval manuscripts.
See the External Documents section below for the collection's inventory.
The Arthur A. Coniff, SJ Papers predominantly contain photographs of relatives and friends with a single folder of miscellaneous documents. A majority of those pictured are members of the Alida Withrop-Stanton Felton and Shirlee Terry-John Fomon families.