The Kim Philby - Oleg Kalugin Collection consists of five letters from Philby to Kalugin and three typed manuscripts written by Philby. In the letters, Philby expresses his friendship for Kalugin and mentions mutual acquaintances. The manuscripts, for their part, concern counterintelligence. They are typed with a few handwritten notations. The Kim Philby - Oleg Kalugin Collection is preserved in one small archival box (0.25 linear feet).
The records of Theological Studies consist predominantly of author-editor correspondence but also include material related to the governance of the journal, events, projected issues, finance, promotion, and a handful of miscellaneous subjects from its earliest days through 1995.
The Lawrence C. McHugh, SJ Papers include published and unpublished writings, some of which were adapted into TV/radio programs, as well as material related to the 1950 Georgetown University pilgrimage to Europe (including Rome) and the 1956-1957 Georgetown-at-Fribourg study abroad program.
The Christopher Sandford letters to John O'Connor comprise a collection of 43 letters and postcards from Sandford (as publisher of the Golden Cockerel Press) to John O'Connor and his wife Jeannie regarding Sandford's efforts to find commissions for O'Connor's work. The collection provides insight into the difficulties of fine-press book publishing and illustrating during the 1930's and 1940's in Britain, as well as the relationship between a fine-press publisher and a favored illustrator.
This collection contains photographs of Jesuit sites, groups, and individuals in a variety of forms such as cabinet cards, cartes de visite, glass plate negatives, prints, etc.
Note that only the Individual Jesuits series (boxes 25-32) of this collection is currently processed and access to the remainder of the materials may be limited. Researchers are advised to contact the Booth Family Center for Special Collections for more information on access to this collection.
The personal papers of former Georgetown University President Fr. Leo O'Donovan (1934-) consist of his published and unpublished writings; teaching materials for classes at Fordham University, Union Theological Seminary, Weston School of Theology, and Woodstock College; and papers related to Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner.
The collection consists of programs and promotional materials for the Colour of Music Festival dating from 2022 to 2024. These include performances at Carnegie Hall; Charleston, SC; and Sacramento, CA.
The collection contains materials related to Pan African composers and musicians that was collected by Hildred Roach. It includes music scores from a variety of Black composers, Hildred Roach concert programs, and music recordings (phonograph records, compact discs, and open reel). The collection includes William Grant Still, Ulysses Kay, George Walker, and many others.
Please see the External Documents section below for preliminary inventories of the collection.