This collection contains 35mm black and white photograph negatives taken by Fr. Emeran Kolkmeyer between 1929 and 1933 that showcase his travels throughout Europe and the US as well as shots of the Georgetown University campus.
One broadside proclaiming the award at St. Stephen's Cathedral of baccalaureates to thirty-six graduates of the University of Vienna, 1644.
Correspondence to Fr. Albert A. Beckwith, SJ, while he was a theological student at Woodstock College (Maryland) between 1937 and 1941. Senders include his cousin Nellie M. Morgan of Wilcox, Pennsylvania; his godmother May Barry of Warwick, New York; his nephew Albert C. Beckwith of Goshen, Pennsylvania; and his sister Marie Beckwith of Jersey City, New Jersey. They primarily contain family updates and reference personal matters.
The William B. Cleary, SJ Papers contain a commonplace book maintained by Cleary during his Jesuit formation and early teaching career as well as correspondence, certificates, and other miscellaneous documents.
Secondary works relating to Baron Corvo, including correspondence from collectors such as Donald Weeks, manuscripts of papers about Corvo by various authors (some photocopied), printed ephemera, and photographs.
Pamphlets, printed documents, transcripts, maps, and newspaper clippings assembled by Robert Woods Bliss. The material pertains chiefly to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, with a number of the documents dealing specifically with Russia. Bliss (1875-1962), career diplomat, was stationed at the American embassy in Paris as secretary and counselor from 1912-1920.
Note: Click on "External Documents" below for a link to the finding aid for the collection.