Clippings/Photographs found among the John L. Brown Papers: Part 4. Brown kept the clippings and photographs together, and that organization has been maintained in this finding aid. The Clippings/Photographs are arranged chronologically.
Accoce, Pierre, 1928-
Le monde parallele, ou, La vérité sur l'espionnage / Pierre Accoce et Jean Dewever d'apres les emissions televisees de Yves Ciampi
Paris : Fayard, Chantrel, c1968
Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.