Ritter, Nikolaus
Deckname Dr. Rantzau die Aufzeichnungen des Nikolaus Ritter, Offizier im Geheimen Nachrichtendienst
[Hamburg] Hoffmann und Campe [1972]
Wills (1742 and 1748) of Thomas Pulton; Will (1795) of James Pellentz; Will (1824) of Maximilian Rantzau; Will (1834) of James Ryder; Will (1753) of Theodore Schneider; Will (1806) of Charles Sewall; Letters testamentary (1807) to Francis Neale on the estate of Charles Sewall; Wills (1729 and 1737) of George Harold; Will (1842) of Francis Vespre; Will (1746) of James Whitgreave; Will (1798) of James Walton.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_25_12; 96 P1-W4**