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Ritter, Nikolaus

Scope and Contents

Ritter, Nikolaus

Deckname Dr. Rantzau die Aufzeichnungen des Nikolaus Ritter, Offizier im Geheimen Nachrichtendienst

[Hamburg] Hoffmann und Campe [1972]



Dates: Majority of material found within 1800 - 2000

Charles Neale, S.J. (5 of 7), 1822-07-01-1822-08-28

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 16
Identifier: 119_60_13
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from C. Neale to Dzierozynski on personnel matters, reassignment of Rantzau 7/1/1822, on ordination of V. Barber 8/25/1822; from C. Neale to Marshall on personnel matters, Rantzau 7/8/1822, on debts, tobacco sales from Mt. Carmel, crops from St. Thomas and St. Inigoes 7/22/1822, status of Scholastics at Georgetown 7/30/1822; from John Walsh to E. Fenwick on Abp's return to America 7/14/1822, misc. 7/27/1822; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on poverty of Georgetown 7/16/1822; from...
Dates: 1822-07-01-1822-08-28

Wills of Early Jesuits, Surnames P-W, 1729 - 1842

 File — Box: 98, Folder: 1
Identifier: 119_25_12
Scope and Contents

Wills (1742 and 1748) of Thomas Pulton; Will (1795) of James Pellentz; Will (1824) of Maximilian Rantzau; Will (1834) of James Ryder; Will (1753) of Theodore Schneider; Will (1806) of Charles Sewall; Letters testamentary (1807) to Francis Neale on the estate of Charles Sewall; Wills (1729 and 1737) of George Harold; Will (1842) of Francis Vespre; Will (1746) of James Whitgreave; Will (1798) of James Walton.

**Former finding aid locations: 119_25_12; 96 P1-W4**

Dates: 1729 - 1842

Charles Neale, S.J. (3 of 7), 1822-03-29-1822-04-28

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 14
Identifier: 119_60_17
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from F. Neale to DeBarth on former's property bequests 3/29/1822; from Kenney to McElroy on Marechal's arrival at Rome, successful conclusion to Philadelphia schism, troubles in Ireland 3/30/1822, on same, imprisonment of Hogan, Kohlmann's work against Unitarians 4/28/1822; from Dzierozynski to Fr. General 4/6/1822; from Rantzau to Cary on misc. 4/14/1822; from C. Neale to Dzierozynski on need to reduce Georgetown's expenses 4/22/1822; from Dzierozynski to Cary on Marechal's...
Dates: 1822-03-29-1822-04-28

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (37 of 69), 1827-07-04-1827-09-09

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 16
Identifier: 119_62_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from F. Neale to Dzierozynski with St. Thomas Manor accounts 7/4/1827; from Abp Marechal to Dzierozynski on ill health 7/6/1827, on building committee of St. Peter's, Washington 7/13/1827; from Abp Marechal to McElroy on ordination for Martinsburg, ill health 8/18/1827; from Beschter to Dzierozynski on Georgetown's decline, Marechal's desire to see it closed 8/31/1827, on misc. 9/5/1827; from Dzierozynski to E. Fenwick calling for meeting 9/2/1827; from McElroy to Beschter on...
Dates: 1827-07-04-1827-09-09

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (49 of 69), 1828-07-01-1828-08-22

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 119_61_27
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Beschter to Dzierozynski sending legacy 7/1/1828, sending inheritance of Rantzau 7/15/1828, on misc. 7/24/1828; from Bennet B. Simms requesting repair of barn 7/7/1828; from McElroy to Dzierozynski on Abp's intention to visit church at Liberty 7/21/1828, re Seminarians' retreat at Mt. St. Mary's 8/18/1828, on receiving news of Society in Europe 8/22/1828, on unfitness of Fr. Grace 8/20/1828; to Dzierozynski re farm rent Aug 1828.**Former finding aid locations:...
Dates: 1828-07-01-1828-08-22

Mission Superiors (2 of 6), 1814-01-25-1822-07-06

 File — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: 119_93_3
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Brzozowski to Grassi: 1/25/1814, 5/10/1814, 5/25/1814, 7/10/1814, 9/11/1814 (re relation of Georgetown to the Society), 12/20/1814; from Brzozowski to Leonard Neale 5/10/1814; from Brzozowski to Grassi 11/18/1815, 1/10/1815, 10/22 Sept 1816, 3/15 May 1816 (tells of difficulties in Russia); from Brzozowski to Francis Dzierozynski 1/25/1817; from Brzozowski to Charles Neale 3/9/1819; from M. Petrucci to Peter Kenney 2/16/1820 requesting latter to come to Rome; from Luigi...
Dates: 1814-01-25-1822-07-06

Mission Superiors (5 of 6), 1826-06-27-1829-11-21

 File — Box: 20, Folder: 5
Identifier: 119_93_6
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Fortis to Pietro Caprano 6/27/1826; from Fortis to Dzierozynski 9/18/1826; ALS from Dzierozynski to Fortis 1/29/1827; ALS from Maximilian Rantzau to Dzierozynski 7/19/1827; 5 ALS from Fortis to Dzierozynski spanning 1/23/1827-7/20/1828; ALS from Vincent Pavani to Dzierozynski 2/12/1829, 3/28/1829; ALS from Fortis to Dzierozynski 1/6/1829; ALS from Thomas Glover to Dzierozynski (plus postscript from Dubuisson to Dzierozynski) 2/28/1829 with news of Fortis' death; (Missing:...
Dates: 1826-06-27-1829-11-21

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (2 of 39), 1811-09-05-1811-12-09

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Identifier: 119_57.1_6
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Abp of Quebec to Grassi on Halifax Ministry 9/5/1811; from C. Neale to F. Neale on relations between Society and See 9/11/1811; from Abp Carroll to E. Fenwick on meeting of Corp 9/21/1811; from Abp Carroll to Grassi on "degraded state" of Georgetown, C. Neale's harmful interventions 10/27/1811; from Abp Carroll to C. Neale on Rantzau and on Neale's arrogance in general 11/5/1811; from E. Fenwick to Francis Fenwick 11/11/1811; from Pierre Malou with account of Society in...
Dates: 1811-09-05-1811-12-09

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (4 of 39), 1812-05-22-1812-06-30

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Identifier: 119_57.1_5
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Bp Michael Egan to Abp Carroll on power of attorney for Philadelphia property May 1812; from Patrick Kenny, SJ to C. Neale on Rantzau and Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia 5/22/1812; from Abp Carroll to E. Fenwick 5/24/1812; for Bp Egan to Beschter on latter's chances of returning to Lancaster 6/15/1812; from C. Neale to Grassi on Halifax ministry 6/16/1812; for Bp Egan to Beschter on latter's health 6/22/1812; from Abp Carroll to E. Fenwick on meeting of Directors of...
Dates: 1812-05-22-1812-06-30

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (5 of 39), 1812-7-9-1812-8-31

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 13
Identifier: 119_57.1_2
Scope and Contents Contains ALS from Abp Carroll to Grassi on Charles Neale's foregoing of confessing of nuns, questions on Grassi's appointment to Presidency of Georgetown 7/9/1812; from Bp Michael Egan of Philadelphia to Beschter on discord between Maximilian Rantzau, SJ and Patrick Kenny, SJ in Holy Trinity Church Philadelphia 7/19/1812, more on same 7/22/1812, on misc matters 8/3/1812; from Abp Carroll to Beschter on the latter's difficulties, payments on old debt of Maryland to England Province 7/30/1812;...
Dates: 1812-7-9-1812-8-31

Anthony Kohlmann, S.J. (11 of 11), 1821-05-09-1821-07-02

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 11
Identifier: 119_59_3
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: decree from Luigi Fortis, SJ on conditions for ordination 5/9/1821; AMsS Grassi's draft of money for scholastics in Italy 5/12/1821; from Grassi to Marshall refuting charges of misuse of Georgetown money, mentions gift of astronomical instruments 5/12/1821; from Beschter to F. Neale on dedication of Baltimore Cathedral 5/14/1821, on same and Philadelphia property 6/5/1821; from DeBarth to Marshall on title to St. Joseph's, deeding of St. Mary's to Corp 5/17/1821, on same...
Dates: 1821-05-09-1821-07-02

Anthony Kohlmann, S.J. (8 of 11), 1820-10-03-1820-12-30

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 8
Identifier: 119_59_5
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from B. Fenwick to Dubuisson 10/3/1820; AMs letter from Gov. of Riga on Jesuits leaving Russia 10/6/1820; from DeBarth to Marshall on management of Goshenhoppen, Rantzau leaving Conewago, taking of St. Inigoes from Georgetown 10/15/1820, on Conewago's need of repairs 10/25/1820, on renting of Conewago 10/26/1820, on Conewago's need of repairs 10/29/1820 ; from Marshall to F. Neale on transfer of White Marsh overseer to St. Thomas 10/27/1820; Grassi's draft for $500 (duplicate...
Dates: 1820-10-03-1820-12-30

Francis Dzierozynski, S.J. (2 of 69), 1823-08-11-1823-10-22

 File — Box: 4, Folder: 2
Identifier: 119_60_10
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from F. Neale to E. Fenwick on clergy needs of St. Thomas, transfer of scholastics to St. Inigoes 8/11/1823, on misc. 8/25/1823; from John Walsh to E. Fenwick on misc. draft 8/15/1823; from Baxter to G. Fenwick on settlement of Missouri Mission, enrollment at Georgetown 8/17/1823; from Abp Marechal to McElroy on confirmations at Frederick 8/30/1823; from F. Neale to Dzierozynski on misc. Aug 1823; from Kenney to McElroy on joining of American Society to England, Grassi in Rome,...
Dates: 1823-08-11-1823-10-22

John Anthony Grassi, S.J. (34 of 39), 1816-01-02-1816-04-07

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 23
Identifier: 119_59_16
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from Daniel Brent to E. Fenwick on Abp Carroll's bequest of Charles St. property to Fenwick, recommending inventory of Bohemia, engagement of biographer of Abp Carroll 1/2/1816, on disposition of Abp Carroll's collection of Italian engravings 1/21 and 4/6/1816; from Andrei (?) to Grassi on flourishing state of Georgetown, restoration of Society in Spain, founding of new colleges in Italy, anticipation of Jesuit residence in Naples, praise of Georgetown Observatory 1/2/1816;...
Dates: 1816-01-02-1816-04-07

Mission Superiors (1 of 6), 1804-08-19-1846

 File — Box: 20, Folder: 1
Identifier: 119_93_2
Scope and Contents Contains ALS correspondence from Gabriel Gruber to Prov. Angliae 8/19/1804; 3 AMs copies letter from Gruber to Bp Carroll of Baltimore 5/12/1804 delegating latter to appoint superior in U.S.; ALS from Tadeusz Brzozowski 7/29/1805; ALS Letters Patent from Brzozowski to Rbt. Molyneux 2/22/1806; AMs copies 6 pages letters from Francis Dzierozynski; ALS copy (?) Rbt. Molyneux appointing C. Neale Vice-Superior in Charles and St. Mary's Counties 10/1/1806; ALS from Brzozowski to Anthony Kohlmann...
Dates: 1804-08-19-1846

Charles Neale, S.J. (7 of 7), 1823-01-03-1823-06-22

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 18
Identifier: 119_60_12
Scope and Contents Contains ALS: from A. Kohlmann to McElroy on Abp's wish for secular assistant for Frederick Jan 1823; from Dzierozynski to C. Neale on misc. instructions from Fr. General Jan 1823; from John Walsh to E. Fenwick on claims against Baltimore Cathedral 1/3/1823; from B. Fenwick to G. Fenwick on faculty at Georgetown, Washington Seminary, Abp Marechal's attempts to claim White Marsh, schism in Philadelphia, debts of Society in Maryland 1/14/1823; from Bp Conwell to Marshall on disposition of St....
Dates: 1823-01-03-1823-06-22

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Georgetown University Manuscripts 16
Georgetown University Rare Books 1