Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.
Note on the Inter Province Meeting on Communism, held at Loyola University, Chicago, July 3rd-4th, 1934. 111 delegates from U.S. and Canada in response to General's letter on communism. Delegates included Edmund Walsh, Charles Chapman, Joseph Reiner, John Dougherty, Joseph Husslein, Joseph, MacDonnell, W.X. Bryan, Chas. E. Leahy, Archambault, James Lyons.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence, membership rolls, and "general hints" on ministering to the congregation. Contains programs and photographs.