Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to the Colombian Government. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence from the Colombian Government to Peter J. Sullivan. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence, reports and printed materials collected by CVHE during his tour of duty in El Salvador.
Series 3 consists of chronological correspondence of John L. Brown from 1932 through 1974. The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. In each folder, both correspondents writing to Brown and correspondents receiving letters from Brown are listed.
This series contains nine scrapbooks, a typed manuscript of Bailey K. Ashford's book "A Soldier in Science," bibliographies of his writings, published articles by him, correspondence, clippings, and photographs all stemming from his long-time service as a medical doctor in Puerto Rico.
Printed Materials. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence from the Colombian Government to Peter J. Sullivan. Arranged chronologically.
Manuscripts. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to William H. Seward. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to William H. Seward. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence from Peter J. Sullivan to the Colombian Government. Arranged chronologically.
Published weekly by Office of Public Relations for faculty and staff.
Correspondence from Augustus S. Hanabergh to Peter J. Sullivan. Arranged chronologically.