Contains clippings re John J. Collins, S.J., Bishop of Antiphellos and Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica. Among topics covered: World War I and the Bishop's Silver Jubilee.
Print copies of "Shakespeare" from 1996-2003. Includes volumes 1-7.
Contains correspondence, reports, clippings, etc., re physical plant, maintenance, and new construction. Much of the correspondence from the 1950s and 1960s is from T. Byron Collins, S.J. Material from the late 1960s references union-related issues.
Text of lectures given in 1987 and 1988: The University and The Church by Timothy S. Healy, S.J., April 12, 1988; Community and Diversity at Georgetown by Royden B. Davis, S.J., Feburary 1, 1988; Georgetown University: American Dream, Ignatian Vision By Michael J. Collins, September 30, 1987; Tyranny or Tolerance: Genesis, The Jesuits and Georgetown By Robert B. Lawton, S.J., November 4, 1987; and Education for World Citizenship by Monika Hellwig, April 2, 1987.
Contains woolen nursing cape, with GU (for Georgetown Hospital) embroidered on the lapels), nursing cap with blue and gray ribbon, invitation to the 1930 commencement, diploma in Georgetown University case, dried carnation worn at the commencement ceremony, and calling card reading "Helen Ann Smeak".
The collection contains materials related to Pan African composers and musicians that was collected by Hildred Roach. It includes music scores from a variety of Black composers, Hildred Roach concert programs, and music recordings (phonograph records, compact discs, and open reel). The collection includes William Grant Still, Ulysses Kay, George Walker, and many others.
Please see the External Documents section below for preliminary inventories of the collection.
The journal of James Percy Brown documents the life of a wealthy young American living in Paris from 1834-1835 during the reign of Louis Philippe.