Items collected by Gerard O'Brien relating to American Catholic and Jesuit notables of the 17th and 19th century.
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, and contains play programs, and photos.
Andrew Cervini (1903-1963), Province of the Philippines; also pictured is Fr. James A. Burke
James T. G. Hayes (1889-1980), Province of the Philippines, also pictured are Frs. Andrew F. Cervini and Austin V. P. Dowd
Photographs of the Jesuit mission in Philippines, with many taken by Frs. Alfred F. Kienle and Andrew F. Cervini.
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_37; 119.1_38**
Diary of St. Peter Claver's Sunday School, an African American sodality for youth and adults connected with St. Alphonsus Church. The diary records the events of the sodality, attendence records, and contains play programs, photos, and negatives.