An extensive correspondence between the well-known Irish freedom fighter Dan Breen and John S.Monagan, Congressman from Connecticut, offering considerable insight into Breen’s later political and social thinking as well as recollections of the struggle for Irish independence from Great Britain.
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Manuscript and printed material relating to John Tracy Ellis (1905-1992) and John Knox. Includes 4 audio tape cassette recordings of Ellis, dated 1980 (Bianchi interview); and 1981. Copy of interview of Monsignor John Tracy Ellis conducted by Eugene C. Bianchi in "Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia" (Vol. 92, No. 1-4, March-December 1981).
Box 20. Alphabetical photographic files Brandt, Richard — Briant, 64 folders.
The Individual Authors Series contains correspondence, manuscripts, questionnaires from the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, photos, publications, and clippings relating to individual authors who were accepted or considered as members of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors established by Sister Mary Joseph, S.L., in 1932. The series is arranged alphabetically by author. Boxes 1-66.
This series consists of America Magazine General Correspondence. Within this series will be found folders filed by topic and/or names of specific individuals to and from whom correspondence was either addressed or received. In addition, one will occasionally find correspondence which predates the founding of America Magazine. This particular type of correspondence, normally addressed to Father Wynne, the founding editor, was incorporated into the America Magazine general file.
An extensive correspondence between the well-known Irish freedom fighter Dan Breen and John S.Monagan, Congressman from Connecticut, offering considerable insight into Breen’s later political and social thinking as well as recollections of the struggle for Irish independence from Great Britain.
Click on External Documents below to link to collection finding aid.
This series consists of America Magazine General Correspondence. Within this series will be found folders filed by topic and/or names of specific individuals to and from whom correspondence was either addressed or received. In addition, one will occasionally find correspondence which predates the founding of America Magazine. This particular type of correspondence, normally addressed to Father Wynne, the founding editor, was incorporated into the America Magazine general file.
The Newspaper Clippings Series contains a vast array of articles and clippings regarding Quigley Publications, the Production Code and the Legion of Decency.
This series contains material concerning the history, editorial policies, and content of 'America' magazine.