The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.
Rivière, P.-Louis (Paul-Louis), b. 1873
Un centre de guerre secrète, Madrid, 1914-1918 / P.-Louis Rivière préface due général Weygand
Paris : Payot, 1936
(Box 1, Folders 1 - 21) This series contains correspondence from friends (exclusive of letters from Teilhard de Chardin) to Pierre Leroy. Arrangement is alphabetical by surname.
This series consists of background information provided by Constantin Kluge on his acquaintance with Teilhard de Chardin and his circle, in particular, Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere.
This series consists of background information provided by Constantin Kluge on his acquaintance with Teilhard de Chardin and his circle, in particular, Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere.
The collection primarily consists of personal correspondence. Letters from male admirers provide some insight into life in the British Armed Forces during World War II. Business exchanges relate to the commissioning and sale of women's travel clothing. Included are photographs of Tracey with acquaintances.
Photocopies of six signed handwritten in French, with transcripts, from Pierre Teilhard to Mme Claude Rivière from December 12, 1942 to April 16, 1943.
Photocopies of six signed handwritten letters in French, with transcripts, from Pierre Teilhard to Mme Claude Rivière from May 30, 1943 to July 5, 1944.
The collection primarily consists of personal correspondence. Letters from male admirers provide some insight into life in the British Armed Forces during World War II. Business exchanges relate to the commissioning and sale of women's travel clothing. Included are photographs of Tracey with acquaintances.
The Constantin Kluge - Pierre Leroy collection consists of 34 personal, autograph signed letters from Father Leroy to his friend Constantin Kluge, in addition to first-hand background information provided by Kluge on his acquaintance with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his circle (especially Pierre Leroy and Claude Riviere). A complete typed transcription of the 34 letters has been graciously provided by Mme. Solange Soulie, a close friend of Pierre Leroy.
The collection primarily consists of personal correspondence. Letters from male admirers provide some insight into life in the British Armed Forces during World War II. Business exchanges relate to the commissioning and sale of women's travel clothing. Included are photographs of Tracey with acquaintances.
Denais, Joseph, 1851-1920
La Turquie nouvelle et l'ancien régime, [par] Joseph Denais
Paris, Librairie des science politiques et sociales, M. Riviere, 1909
See also scrapbooks and scrapbook fragments in Series 7.
Contains correspondence, manuscripts, transcripts, and other documents pertaining to U.S. Catholic Church History. Boxes 12 and 13, which deal with notable individuals in U.S. Catholic History, are arranged alphabetically by last name of individual. Boxes 14 through 20 contain documents which focus on the history of Catholicism in particular geographic places in America, and they are arranged alphabetically by geographic area.