Contains copies of various syllabi from history courses and interdisciplinary courses offered through the Foreign Service School. See folder listings for more detail.
The collection consists of bound notebooks kept by Forstall on academic subjects that he taught at Georgetown University and other insitutions.
Collection of 380 letters written by Lt. Charles Murray Foster to his family while he served in the 1st Battalion of the 114th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army during World War II. It includes letters written when he was stateside (1942-1944) and while in France (1944-1945). 25 letters feature sketches by Foster, usually depicting other soldiers and scenes he observed while serving in France (collected in Binder 4).
The Franco-American alliance Collection contains research materials assembled by Robert W. Hartley (b. 1911) for his study of the Franco-American Alliance of 1778. Included are manuscripts, notes, microfilm, and photocopies of documents and secondary source material.
Personal papers containing letters and documents relating to Francoeur's scholarship on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., and to the British and American Teilhard associations. Correspondents include George Barbour; Jeanne Mrotier; Walter Ong., S.J.; and a letter from Teilhard de Chardin to Lucile Swan.
Click on External Documents below to link to collection finding aid.
The collection is composed of several short typed manuscripts by Frederiksen discussing his personal history and involvement in the OSS, as well as a variety of recommendations and reports on Frederiksen from colleagues, and one of his jailers. Additional documents include application and reference forms prepared by Frederiksen for the U.S. government, and some correspondence relating to his employment plans after leaving Vienna.
Everything in this collection were items received by Fullerton, none created by him. Two are extensive notebooks of poems, and two are small items.
Fulmer (1833-1880) received the usual Jesuit education, was ordained in 1861, and spent most of his career teaching although some years were passed in mission work and he also did parish work for the last two years of his life. Two notebooks, each of some 360 pages, bound in boards, containing poems, comprise the collection. The majority of the poems are copied, but there are apparently a few originals.
The Robert Fulton, SJ Papers include correspondence sent/received as well as letters regarding his death in 1895. They also contain a journal maintained between 1876 and 1888, with reminiscences back to 1845, and notes on his ancestry.
Original and photocopied correspondence between Sister Miriam Gallagher, R.S.M.; H.L. Mencken; Odell Shepherd; and others.