Material re relief for Hungarian refugees in the Washington, D.C. area, particularly those who enrolled at Georgetown University. Includes material re language training and scholarships. Present is: Hungarian Refugee Students and United States Colleges and Universities - A Progress Report on the Emergency Program to Aid Hungarian University Students in the United States, October 1956-February 1957 by Committee on Educational Interchange Policy, March 1957.
Contains undated, handwritten infirmary poem: "To number eighteen the poor student repairs, And anon Brother Richard comes stalking up the stairs . . . " and infirmary charts from the influenza epidemic of 1918.
Contains material re Institute which was established to "study the history, culture, the political, social, and economic development, the racial and linguistic characteristics of all the nations and peoples which were forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Communist orbit" (from letter from Director Tibor Kerekes to Congressman Michael A. Feighan, December 11, 1956). Includes papers and publications.
Collection of unpublished philosophy lectures given at Georgetown College during the academic year 1834-1835 by John Stephen Gabaria. Lectures were transcribed by one of his students, Richard D. Cutts and appear to cover topics of logic and metaphysics. Handwritten text is in Latin.
Contains the Georgetown Intramural sports calendar for the 1972-73 academic year. Includes general information about intramural athletics including organization of competition and eligibility, information on the individual sports teams participating in intramural activities for the year including team or individual participant names, summaries of each sports program and comparisons of activity against the 1971-72 academic year, and schedules.
Uncaptioned photographs of individuals and groups of Dental Hygiene students, ca. 1934.
Box 1: 1929-1954; 1955-March 1961
Box 2: April 1961- June 1964; July 1964-1966
Box 3: 1967-1970; Special Bulletin #1 (1939)-#279 (1961)
Box 4: Special Bulletin, News Bulletin, 1967; Reports, etc., 1931-1948
Box 5: Reports, etc., 1961-1969
Box 6: President's Conference Reports, etc., 1958-1964
Box 7: Published Matter
Contains material reflective of student life at Georgetown from 1969-1973. Includes Georgetown publications and flyers and other ephemera. Much relates to student activism, particularly protests against the Vietnam War. One folder relates to Professor Carroll Quigley and contains examinations, lecture outlines, and a cassette tape of lecture by Quigley in Gaston Hall.
Contains an album of photographs of Georgetown University, ca. 1906-1907, when Martin was enrolled in the Preparatory School.. Includes shots of the construction of Ryan Gym, first baseman “Bert” Farrel, backstop “Fritz” [Frederick?] Sitterding, and Conde Pallen. Also a scrapbook with clippings (many concerning track), 1907-1912, examination papers, and Ye Domesday Booke, 1912, signed by Martin.
John Main Center Award presented to Dennis McAuliffe, co-founder of the John Main Center. Award is not signed. Designed, printed and illustrated by Gregory Robison.