Box 2
Contains 20 Results:
Francis A. Barnum, 1901 - 1907
Correspondence to Fr. Devitt written by Georgetown College archivist Fr. Francis A. Barnum (1849-1921) while the latter was away from his position at the university. Fr. Devitt was custodian of the archives of the history of Maryland (also known as the Maryland Colonial Library), but acted as principal archivist when Fr. Barnum was absent from Georgetown (1901-1913).
Joseph A. Frederick, 1897 - 1899
Letters from Fr. Joseph Alphonse ("J. A.") Frederick (1848-1936) to Fr. Devitt. Discusses compiling a history for St. Ignatius' Church (Hickory, Maryland) where he was pastor as well as other matters related to the history of the Catholic Church in the area.
Joseph A. Frederick, 1902 - 1913
Letters from Fr. Joseph Alphonse ("J. A.") Frederick (1848-1936) to Fr. Devitt while he was pastor at St. Ignatius' Church (Hickory, Maryland) and St. Margaret's (Bel Air, Maryland). Predominantly related to the history of the Catholic Church in the area.
Martin I. J. Griffin, 1884 - 1911
Correspondence to Fr. Devitt from Martin I. J. Griffin (1842-1911), American Catholic journalist and historian who published the I.C.B.U. Journal and later the American Catholic Historical Researches.
Aloysius Pfister, 1881 - 1882
Correspondence to Fr. Devitt from fellow Jesuit Fr. Aloysius Pfister (1833-1891), who was at one point librarian at the Xujiahui Catholic Library of Shanghai, now the Xujiahui Library.
Diamond jubilee, 1919
Correspondence in celebration of Fr. Devitt's 60 years as a Jesuit.
Golden jubilee, 1909
Correspondence, clippings, and ephemera in celebration of Fr. Devitt's 50 years as a Jesuit.
English High School, 1854-1857, 1892-1914
Correspondence related to Fr. Devitt's entrance into and graduation from Boston English High School (1854-1857) as well as ephemera surrounding various class reunions (1892-1914).
Other, 1860 - 1898
Correspondence with Fr. Devitt on miscellaneous matters including historical research and pieces published in the Woodstock Letters.
Sermons, 1870, 1875
Sermons on Matthew 24:35/Luke 21:33 (1870) and on "defects of faith" (1875). They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Sermons, 1877
Sermons on the Holy Trinity, Ecclesiasticus 44:1, the Holy Rosary, and Luke 2:14. They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Diary, 1907-11-16 - 1909-10-22
Sermons, 1892 - 1899
Sermons for Passion Sunday (1892), the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (1892, 1894), the end of the year (1894), Pentecost (1895), the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (1895), the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (1898), and on purgatory (1899). They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Sermons, 1881 - 1882
Sermons for Holy Thursday (1881) and on Ecclesiasticus 5:8 (1882). They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Sermons, 1878 - 1879
Sermons for Quinquagesima Sunday, the Fourth Sunday after Lent, the Second Sunday after Easter, and the Octave of the Ascension (1878) as well as one on John 19:27 (1879). They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Sermons, 1900 - 1912
Sermons on the mercy of God (1900) and Psalm 65:15 (1903) as well as for Ash Wednesday, on obedience, Psalm 129:7, and for Pentecost (1912). Many were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.
Diary, 1909-10-23 - 1910-06-24
Diary kept by Fr. Devitt while at Georgetown College. He discusses his teaching, his travels and that of his fellow Jesuits, and his ministerial duties as well as campus events.
Diary, 1912-07-17 - 1915-08-18
Diary kept by Fr. Devitt while at Georgetown College. He discusses his teaching, his travels and that of his fellow Jesuits, and his ministerial duties as well as campus events.
Diary, 1915-08-19 - 1920-01-21
Diary kept by Fr. Devitt while at Georgetown College. He discusses his teaching, his travels and that of his fellow Jesuits, and his ministerial duties as well as campus events.
Sermons, 1877
Sermons for the First and Third Sundays of Advent, the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Good Friday, the Third Sunday after Easter (also known as the Fourth Sunday after Pascha), and the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. They were exhorted more than once throughout the years, and other dates and locations are indicated on the front or back page of each manuscript.