Box 102
Contains 19 Results:
Georgetown Novitiate, 1828
A booklet entitled "Considerations on Eternal Truths, 1828"; cover indicates "belonging to the novitiate" and "lent to Rev. F. Dzierozynski March 24 1848."
Georgetown College, Photographs, 1920 - 1928
Photographs of 19th century paintings of Georgetown and group photos of Jesuits at Georgetown from the 1920s.
**Former finding aid location: 119.1_38**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Financial Records (3 of 5), 1831 - 1833
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Financial Records (4 of 5), 1831 - 1833
Daybook maintained by Stephen Dubuisson, S.J., at Holy Trinity Catholic Church; entries include receipts for pew rents, the school, and burial grounds (both College Burial Ground and Holy Rood).
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_13; 57N6**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Financial Records (5 of 5), 1831 - 1833
Account records (1831-1833) of Stephen Dubuisson, S.J., and the pastors of Holy Trinity [Georgetown] with Georgetown College. This includes collection receipts and vouchers with the college.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_22; 57S1**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Free School (1 of 4), 1831 - 1833
Financial papers of Georgetown Holy Trinity Free Male School including account statements, receipts, and invoices
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_20; 57R3**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Free School (2 of 4), 1831 - 1833
Documents written by Stephen Dubuisson, S.J., pertaining Georgetown Holy Trinity Free Male School, including a petition to Congress and financial statements
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_21; 57R4**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Free School (3 of 4), 1832 - 1833
Documents related to Georgetown Trinity Free School (1832-33). Items include: Order of Exercises at Exhibition; List of Premium Distributed; List for the Speaking Exercises.
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_17; 77RD**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Free School (4 of 4), 1832 - 1833
Documents related to the Georgetown Holy Trinity Free Male School including subscription lists
**Former finding aid locations: 119_19_19; 57R2a**
Georgetown, Holy Trinity, Litterae Annuae and Historia Domus, 1900 - 1932
Georgetown: Holy Trinity Church Litterae Annuae, 1900-1910, 1913-1919, 1923-1926, n.d.; Historia domus, 1900-1910, 1913-1919, 1926-1932
**Former finding aid locations: 119_104_3; 555A**
Georgetown College, Assorted Papers, 1813 - 1920
Georgetown College, Correspondence (1 of 3), 1831 - 1848
Letters to Thomas Mulledy
**Former finding aid locations: 119_69_17; 216**
Georgetown College, Correspondence (2 of 3), 1845 - 1846
Letters addressed to Mulledy
**Former finding aid locations: 119_69_13_2; 215S**
Georgetown College, Correspondence (3 of 3), 1846
Correspondence includes request from President Polk to permit a student to visit Marshall Polk at the President's Mansion
**Former finding aid locations: 119_69_8_5; 215K**
Georgetown College, Correspondence (4 of 4), 1847
Letters addressed to Thomas Mulledy, S.J., (rector of Georgetown College), including a letter from John M. Bronaugh with the U.S. Army from the Convent of the Carmelites in Mexico City
**Former finding aid locations: 119_63_3_1; 215C**
Georgetown College, Foundational Documents, 1787 - 1850
Georgetown College, Litterae Annuae and Historia Domus, 1899 - 1932
Georgetown College Litterae Annuae (1899-1922) and Georgetown College Historia Domus (1899-1932)
**Former finding aid locations: 119_104_5; 556A**
Georgetown College, Philodemic Society, 1832 - 1874
Georgetown College, Reading Lists, 1902 - 1906
List of textbooks for each level at Georgetown College and Georgetown Prep for academic years 1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1905-1906
**Former finding aid locations: 119_130_7; 556**