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Jenkins Family Papers

Identifier: GTM-GAMMS462

Scope and Contents

The Jenkins Family Papers contain a small number of historical documents pertaining to the prominent Jenkins family of Baltimore. In addition to providing information about the history of that particular family, this collection has a connection to the history of Georgetown College as three of the letters were sent to Georgetown College student Thomas Robert Jenkins in 1838 and 1839. Those letters make references to several leading Georgetown faculty and hint at what the college was like then.

The first four items in the collection are letters written to Jenkins family members. The first was received by Rebecca Hillen (1838-1888) and provides a description of work on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in 1829. The next three letters were written by Louis William Jenkins, who attended Georgetown College from 1815 to 1822 without taking a degree, to his brother Thomas Robert Jenkins (1823-1905), who received an A.B. in 1840 from Georgetown. Josiah Jenkins, who entered Georgetown in 1838 but left before completing a degree, is mentioned in a letter. One of the letters was forwarded by Daniel Brent (1774-1841), the American Consul in Paris, who attended Georgetown from 1830 to 1833.

The next portion of the papers contains documents related to John F. Bouring, whose legal guardian was Rebecca Hillen. Legal and financial in nature, the documents were created in Baltimore and bear dates between 1841 and 1849. Interestingly, the Baltimore attorney Michael Courtney Jenkins (b. c. 1807) was involved in the guardianship matter. Later in his career, he was notable as an editor for the "Catholic Mirror" during the Civil War. The U.S. government suppressed that newspaper during the war because of its pro-Confederacy editorials. The Georgetown University Library Special Collections Division contains several other collections that include information about the Jenkins family of Baltimore. Specifically, documents about Jenkins family members are found in the Maryland Province Archives of the Society of Jesus and, because many Jenkins relatives attended Georgetown University, the University Archives section of Special Collections.

Note: See also the following books for more information: Jenkins, Edward Felix, O.S.A. "Thomas Jenkins of Maryland: 1670, His Descendants and Allied Families." Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1985. "Genealogy of Leading Families of Baltimore and Baltimore County, Maryland." New York: Chapman Publishing Company, 1897.

ABBREVIATIONS: ADS - Autograph Document Signed. ALS - Autograph Letter Signed. AN - Autograph Note.


  • 1829 - 1870

Conditions Governing Access

Most manuscripts collections at the Georgetown University Booth Family Center for Special Collections are open to researchers; however, restrictions may apply to some collections. Collections stored off site require a minimum of three days for retrieval. For use of all manuscripts collections, researchers are advised to contact the Booth Family Center for Special Collections in advance of any visit.

Conditions Governing Use

Researchers are solely responsible for determining the copyright status of the materials being used, establishing who the copyright owner is, locating the copyright owner, and obtaining permission for intended use.


0.1 Cubic Feet (1 folder)

Language of Materials


Metadata Rights Declarations

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of Edward J. O'Shea.

A graduate of the Georgetown University School of Dentistry in 1956, Dr. Edward J. O'Shea donated the papers in this collection to the Georgetown University Library in stages between 1962 and 1970. Dr. O'Shea donated one of the letters from Louis William Jenkins to Thomas Robert Jenkins on behalf of Dr. George Whitby, of Holy Cross and Marquette Colleges, in 1962. While it is unknown exactly how this letter came into Dr. Whitby's possession, it is known that his father had been in the employ of a wealthy family from Southampton, New York, who were friends with the Jenkins family of Baltimore.

Processing Information

The collection was consolidated into a single folder in March 2024.

Jenkins Family Papers
Scott S. Taylor
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2023-03: Edited for DACS compliance by John Zarrillo.

Repository Details

Part of the Georgetown University Manuscripts Repository

Lauinger Library, 5th Floor
37th and O Streets, N.W.
Washington DC 20057