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Sen. Fulbright & RFE/RL - Public & Media Views., 01/01/1972-12/31/1972

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 10

Collection-level Scope and Content Note

From the Collection:

The Jon S. Lodeesen Papers consist of records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), and include annual and budget reports, as well as files relating to Lodeesen's many years of work in Radio Liberty's programming and research departments. The research files include articles and reports on the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries during the early sixties through the late eighties, particularly relating to freedom of information in published... and broadcast media, and the role of RFE/RL.

Material is organized into the following series:

1. Moscow Memoranda - files relating to Lodeesen's work as U.S. Foreign Service Officer, Political Section, U.S. Embassy, Moscow (1966-68).

2. Correspondence/Memoranda Series - chronologically arranged communications between members of RFE/RL personnel including George Bailey, James L. Buckley, William A. Buell, Glenn W. Ferguson, Jon S. Lodeesen, Gene Pell, Walter Roberts, Francis S. Ronalds, Jr., Walter K. Scott, Gene Sosin, Robert L. Tuck, Gerd Von Doemming, Ralph E. Walter.

3. RFE/RL Reports/Studies Series (chronologically arranged) - published and unpublished reports/studies on RFE/RL.

4. RFE/RL Reports/Studies Series (arranged by author).

5. RFE/RL Annual/Fiscal Reports Series (1960-93).

6. RFE/RL Operations, policies, personnel - files of miscellaneous information, memoranda, reports relating to these matters.

7. RFE/RL Programming Series - includes memoranda/reports re policies; audience research reports; transcripts of broadcasts.

8. Research and Analysis re Russia/USSR (1970s-1980s) - reports/studies, newsclippings.

9. Research and Analysis - miscellaneous topics including material on China, Indo-China, Europe, Poland.

10. Special Issues - including allegations of anti-Semitism at RFE/RL; 1972 Senate Hearings on continued funding for RFE/RL; broadcast jamming problems; RFE/RL policies and use of Samizdat publications.

Series 11 through 17 include miscellaneous files relating to RFE/RL: conferences on broadcasting and Eastern Europe; other broadcasting organizations (BBC, VOA); individuals such as Eleanor Dulles, Sig Mickelson, Alexander Solzhenitsyn; manuscripts, notes, speech material by Lodeesen; and news and publications featuring RFE/RL.

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  • 01/01/1972-12/31/1972

Collection-level Access Restrictions

Most manuscripts collections at the Georgetown University Booth Family Center for Special Collections are open to researchers; however, restrictions may apply to some collections. Collections stored off site require a minimum of three days for retrieval. For use of all manuscripts collections, researchers are advised to contact the Booth Family Center for Special Collections in advance of any visit.


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Container Summary

Compilation of newsclippings, reports: "Official Public and Media Views on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty 1972." Prepared in context of U.S. Congressional Hearings 1972 re continued government support of RFE/RL and criticism of Sen. Fulbright.

Subjects and Associated Physical Materials




Repository Details

Part of the Georgetown University Manuscripts Repository

Lauinger Library, 5th Floor
37th and O Streets, N.W.
Washington DC 20057