Box 1
Contains 19 Results:
Curriculum Vitae, 2018
Contains select syllabi, lecture notebooks, assignments and papers, and test books. Also includes a curriculum vitae for Mr. Burckel from 2018.
Religion, Geography, English, 1961 - 1962
Contains papers, test books, and reports for courses in Theology, English, and Geography.
Mathematics and French, 1961 - 1962
Contains mostly written exercises in French and exercises and tests in Mathematics.
English, 1962 - 1963
Contains papers and test books. Instructor was Wagner.
Economics, 1962 - 1963
Contains test books, written assignments, and a student notebook. Instructor was G.J. Viksnins.
Miscellaneous, 1962-1964
Contains various assignments and test books. Includes material from the following courses: theology with Fr. Bluett, music appreciation with Paul Hume, logic with Otto Hentz, S.J., metaphysics with Otto Hentz, S.J., special ethics with S.F. McNamee, S.J., and ethics. Also includes a list of History Club activities from 1964-1965.
Miscellaneous Undergraduate Papers, 1963 - 1965
Includes papers from the following courses: economics with G.J. Viksnins, epistemology seminar with Jesse Mann, and general ethics with Stephen McNamee, S.J. Also includes a list prepared by the History Club labeled "Some Important American Graduate Schools", various manuals and instructions for history majors as prepared by the Department of History, a reading list for history majors, and lists of material to review for oral examinations in American history and European history.
European History Survey (Wilkinson), 1961
Contains test books, exam/assignment questions, book reviews, and lecture notes.
U.S. History Survey (Kranz and Walsh), 1963
Contains lecture outlines, student assignments, test books, and lecture notes.
Colonial History (Walsh), 1963
Contains test books, student assignments, book reports, and lecture notes.
Medieval Europe (Wilkinson), 1963 - 1964
Contains reading lists, test books, lecture notes, and student reports.
Medieval Europe (Wilkinson), 1963
Contains student reports and test books.
Select Problems in U.S. History (Walsh), 1964
Contains test books, term paper outline, lecture notes, and a report on "The Economic Profitability of Slavery in the South (1830-1860).
European Diplomacy (Helde), 1963
Contains a syllabus and reading list, typed notes from select readings, test books, and lecture notes.
U.S. Diplomatic History (Ellis), 1965
Contains test books, student reports, reading lists, and lecture notes.
U.S. in the 20th Century (Huthmacher), 1963
Contains a syllabus and test books.
The World Since 1914 (Quigley), 1965
Contains test books and lecture notes.
U.S. Economic History (Kranz), 1964
Course taught in the Graduate School. Contains a syllabus, student reports, and lecture notes.
Nicholas C. Burckel Student Collection
Contains select syllabi, lecture notebooks, assignments and papers, and test books. Also includes a curriculum vitae for Mr. Burckel from 2018.